January 13, 2012

15 Weeks

Weekly post on the progression of the baby?  I don't know.  Do you care?

Every week, I get an email from babycenter.com (great website, by the way, and recommended by my doctor) that tells me what is going on with the baby growing inside me.  It's very interesting and I look forward to it every week.  It also gives a size estimate based on a food item.  Every week it is a little frightening to discover just how big the baby is now.  Some seem like a significant leap in size.

This week the baby is the size of an apple.  But what kind of apple?  Some are varying in size and depending on when the fruit was harvested, it could be smaller or larger.  I am thinking too much about this aren't I?  I can't help it.  It's in me, remember?  I shudder to think what's coming in vegetable or fruit comparison.  I do not look ahead.  I like the surprise of it all.

Recap of baby size by week (none for weeks 1-3 as you're technically not 'fertilized' yet):

4 Weeks - Poppy Seed
5 Weeks - Sesame Seed
6 Weeks - Lentil
7 Weeks - Blueberry
8 Weeks - Kidney Bean
9 Weeks - Grape
10 Weeks - Kumquat
11 Weeks - Fig
12 Weeks - Lime
13 Weeks - Medium Shrimp (huh?  Lengthwise maybe?)
14 Weeks - Lemon

Also going on this week

The air sacs in the baby's lungs are beginning to develop and the legs are growing longer than the arms.  The eyelids are still fused shut but the baby can sense light which is pretty cool.  And, taste buds are forming.
Much better than last week when the email told me that the baby was now peeing inside me.

Moving along.  Let's talk about my biggest fear related to labor and delivery.

It is not the pain.

It is not the recovery.

It is not having 14 different people looking at your area.

No.  It is the pooping.

I know this is a food blog (original intention anyway) and here I am talking about a disgusting bodily function.  It has been said that every laboring women falls victim to this humiliation.  That scares me more than the pain.

I have always had a high tolerance for pain so I guess this is why I'm not scared of that.  I will not be a screamer.  I am pretty stoic when it comes to pain so I don't believe I will be one whose cries and obscenties will be echoing across the entire hospital unit.  I do realize that once the contractions hit, my bravery will be quickly squashed with one swooping pain through the abdomen and I will be thoroughly humbled.  But until then, I need to believe I can handle it. 

I will never believe I can handle the other indecency referred to above.  Another thing I've heard is that you will never know you did it because you can't feel it and no one will tell you.  I don't believe that either.  Someone will tell me.  Probably M - and only because I will ask him.  That I can guarantee.  Perhaps I should put a plea out there early - when I ask, please lie to me.  The only straight out lie that I will tolerate and accept.  I would have suffered enough immodesty and embarassment at that point so save a girl the knowledge of one horror of birthing a baby that she most certainly will commit.

How I'm feeling:  No more nausea!  But heartburn and acid reflux are brutal.  Which is difficult since I'm more and more hungry.  I'm also a complete scatterbrain which has also been an adjustment.  Still feeling a little tired too.  Certain other tummy issues too.  Lots of kiwi and hot water with lemon.

Pregnancy notes: I did not get a Snoogle pillow nor did I get a body pillow.  But, I have recently been sleeping with an extra pillow between my legs and it does seem to help.  I am a stomach sleeper so it's been tricky to try and stay on my side.  The pillow seems to help.

Food cravings: None.  I kind of wish I had some but alas, I don't really.  I did want orange juice this week so I got some (never drink the stuff).  Figures there was an issue with contaminated juice this week.  Several weeks ago I wanted a Wendy's cheeseburger and fries so very badly and I never eat that kind of food.  But I gave in and it was the most delicious cheeseburger ever.  I'm glad I hadn't seen Fast Food Nation yet at that point...  And, I still cannot eat spinach.  Loved it before the pregnancy, makes me gag now.

Doctor's Visit: None.


  1. This is hilarious!! I was laughing out loud reading this. Good blog............

  2. Very educational. Be thankful,ma petite,that you will be in a hospital and unlike my grandmother going out into the barn,letting it all hang out to pop the baby!
