December 31, 2012

Welcoming 2013

The end of 2012 is tonight.  We all like to reflect on the past year and what it brought or what it didn't bring and what we accomplished.  2012 brought wonderful things to our family, namely our son.  This time last year, I announced that M and I would be expecting in the year to come.  I also reflected on the darkness of my year prior to the conception of our son.  It's amazing how fast these years go by.

Relecting on the previous year is nostalgic.  In 2012, I was pregnant,  M got a new job, our son was born, and we got a new couch.  I think those were the biggest occurances in our family.  It was a wonderful year full of joy and laughter.  Much better than 2011 when I was in a bad place and M was too while searching for a job.

I do not make New Year's resolutions, as written previously, so I again will not list out any goals or checklists of what I intend to accomplish in the upcoming year.  I just want to live, be happy, and continue to tighten up my post-baby body.  The weight is all gone, I'm just a little flabby. 

Baby J will turn one in 2013.  How did we get to that year already?  He will be six months on January 2.  That means he is now closer to one year than he is to a newborn.  I love watching him grow and discovering new things but my heart is a little sad in knowing that certain stages of his development and growth are gone already and the tiny little baby that I could snuggle on my chest no longer fits.  I already forget how small he was and how he could fit in the crook of my arm.  I can just about just get his head in my arm while the rest of him hangs over my lap and legs.  No longer does he curl up in a ball but stretches out to his entire length and kicks and wails just as he should.  He is almost crawling and he is rolling over everywhere.  We can no longer leave him on the floor unattended because he is never in the same place anymore.  We are embarking on the next phase of baby mobility.  It's exciting and hugely frightening.

All kinds of unknowns await us in the new year.  I hope they are all good things.  M, J, and I wish you joys, smiles, and the all the happiness you can find in your new year.  Welcome 2013!

December 27, 2012

Baby's First Christmas!

Before we begin with the Christmas recap, we celebrated Jackson's dedication the week prior to Christmas. It was a wonderful morning full of worship, laughter, and prayer.  Jackson was a perfect angel through the entire service and when he was introduced to the congregation, he was full of smiles and giggles.  He was even called the town Mayor by one member of the congregation.  We were so thankful.

To Christmas!

It came and it has now gone.  I'm a little misty-eyed thinking that his first Christmas is already over.  He will only have one first Christmas and it's gone - forever.

Okay, enough wallowing.  It was an amazing first Christmas and full of so much love and good times.  Little boy did not lack in any gift-receiving either.  It's tricky because he has absolutely no idea what was going on or that he even received presents but the wide-eyed stares and unabashed grins were enough for us to know just how happy he is.

This lucky little duck had a couple Christmas parties to go to and he even met Santa - twice!  And not a tear or scream was expelled from this little trooper.

I think he told Santa that he wanted a red wagon for Christmas.

And what to his eyes would appear on Christmas Eve - a brand new and shiny red wagon!!  Okay, maybe not from Santa but Santa got the message to the right ears.

Baby J also had a stocking to open on Christmas Eve from Grammie and Papa.  He got a little toy, a baby toothbrush, some boogie wipes, and a super cool Bruins hat!  He is thrilled, can' t you tell?

Maddux was also very excited.  Heh.

Christmas Eve is celebrated at my grandmother's house and my parents, my aunt and uncle, brother and nieces, also attended.  It was a great night and Jackson got too many things.  But what are grandparents supposed to do?

Christmas morning came and Jackson decided that he would sleep in.  He slept until 7:30 which is about an hour later than normal for him.  The previous evening must have just proven to be too much.  But once up, he was ready to open some gifts!  Just kidding.  We didn't even wrap his.  We're mean parents.  But you can clearly see from the photo below that this child has plenty of toys.  And that's only the downstairs play area and toy basket.  Oh boy.

After M, J, and I opened our gifts at our home on Christmas morning, we headed over to Nana and Grampa's for our annual Christmas Breakfast Extravaganza!  Once again, the Donahue Boy Chefs did not disappoint with their mad omelette making skills.  Sadly, no photo.  I was hungry.  I did manage a photo of the bacon because let's be real folks, bacon is the bomb.

 Baby J, of course, could not partake is this feast but he enjoyed his breakfast of oatmeal and peaches.

After breakfast, we make our way into the living room and it's an all out rip and open fest on the gifts.  It's madness but so much fun.  Once again, J was spoiled.  He got so many clothes and a super awesome baby zebra activity toy!  Our littlest niece was the highlight of the day in her cupcake PJs and with her squeals of delight at her new princess castle and little toy smartphone.  

It was a day filled with joy and the best first Christmas any little guy could ever have.

December 14, 2012

Heavy Hearts

One of the greatest tragedies in American history occurred today.  A lone gunman entered an elementary school in Newtown, CT, opened fired, and killed 26 people.  20 of them were children.  Toddlers.  How can this possibly be?

The debates will rage on how there needs to be better gun control, guns should be outlawed, and guns should just disappear.  But how can this ever solve the problem?  Guns are not the only weapon.  Others are much more easily attained.  The majority of these heinous murders are commited by a gun, yes.  That doesn't make it the reason for the carnage.

The person holding the gun is.  We've all heard it before - Guns don't kill people.  And they don't.  The people with the guns kill people.  This argument will continue until the end of time but this statement remains true.  These tragedies would not ever occur if not for the sick people holding the gun.  And this brings the need for assistance of mental illness, not gun control.  Do we take away our rights as Americans because of a select few of ill individuals?  That is not what this country was built on.  We all have a right to bear arms.  The way we bear them and the way we use them is the issue.  I do not voice my political views publically often but this one today ignited me.

But today, the political debates should cease.  That is not what today should be about.

There are countless parents and families who are experiencing the worst kind of anguish that any human could ever feel.  Trying to put myself into their place is near impossible but I think of my son and what that would feel like.  I have to stop because the agony looming right there on the surface is too much.  The thought of bringing my son to school as I would any day and the idea that he might not come home is unimaginable.  But I do know, that our plans for our son to attend school will not change.  The acts of a few will not deter us from our son getting an education in a classroom. 

We cannot live in fear.  Our lives must continue.  We cannot live in a bubble and never have our children learn to live in a society that is full of wonderful opportunities and advantages.  Our children need guidance, they need socialization, and they need the freedom to experience the world.  Yes, there are dangers.  There are dangers everywhere.  We must continue to trust that God is there.  And that His hand is on our shoulders.

Please keep those families in your prayers tonight as we carry our heavy hearts.  If any comfort can be sought from this day, it is that those precious children are now forever in the loving arms of our Lord.  Hold your loved ones close tonight and tell them you love them.

December 7, 2012

Christmas List for Baby

Christmas is two and a half weeks away.  The majority of my Christmas shopping is done.  I probably need to get M something else, I still have two of my nieces to buy for (plus one has a birthday right before Christmas), and I probably need to get something extra for baby J.  My folks are done, my grandmother is done, and M's parents, brothers, our sister in law, and our youngest niece are all bought for.  I feel good about that.

As for baby J's gifts - what do you buy a five month old that doesn't really understand toys yet?  Do I bother?  I mean it IS his first Christmas - he has to get something!  Even if Mommy and Daddy have to open it for him and he thinks the wrapping paper is the most amazing thing ever.

As of now, I got him one of those ring stackers, plush blocks, and one of those circle ball but not ball things. But I am so excited for his first Christmas.  It's going to be the best one ever.

Are these good toys for babies?  Any recommendations for a five month old that has no idea what the difference is between a clean diaper and a mini exer-saucer (both equally fun to play with)?