May 22, 2013

Swim Class

J has started a baby swim class.  I wanted to get him into the water early so he doesn't develop a fear of it.  Too many family members on my side don't know how to swim and are scared of the water.  I did not want that to happen to J.

So we enrolled him in Water Tots!

He wasn't quite so sure when he first went into the pool.  It's a little bigger than his tubby, you know.

But then he made a splash.  Oh boy!

Now it was fun!

He swam.

He kicked.

 He hung onto a noodle

He laughed when Mommy and Daddy blew water bubbles.

Then he got cold.

Then he cried.

And then he was done.

This is the story of every swim class.

May 17, 2013


Some days I have all kinds of irrelevant and random thoughts swimming about in my brain.  I thought I would share some of those golden nuggets with you today.

It's your lucky day!  It's like you won the lottery.

And I'm a weirdo.

Random Thoughts

Sometimes when I see a discarded grocery bag, I feel like I should snatch it up so I can use it to pick up after my pet.  Is that weird?   Don't answer that.

I stick my finger up J's nose way too often.

Dog's feet smell like Fritos - and mostly when they're sleeping.  I have found this is not specific to any breed.  It's universal across all canine varieties.

Corn Chex cereal tastes like the Bugles snack chip.

Now that I have a kid, I've realized something.  When someone is talking to you about their kid, it is so difficult not to interject with how your kid did it, or what they like, or what they do.  It’s so hard to keep your mouth shut and just let them talk about their own kid.

Water chestnuts are spongy and gross.

Sometimes I go for a jog.  Then I die.

Then I eat Peanut M&Ms.  Peanut M&Ms are of the devil.

I over share pictures on Facebook.  And I don't care.  Hide me, de-friend me, cut me out of your will if it annoys you.  Just being real.

Please don't de-friend me.

I don't like it when my teeth feel dirty.

I have just sucked 3 minutes out of your life.  Please don't hold it against me.

Did it really take you 3 minutes to read this?

You may want to block this blog from your browser or internet searches after this post.  I completely understand.  I am crazy.

Crazy.  Like in this photo.  I put this coat on and it made me break out into a white girl dance.  And M questioned his decision about marrying me.  And I frightened the dog.  

And my brain malfunctions.

But please don't leave me.


May 15, 2013


It is a sneaker. 

It is small; no longer than my thumbnail.  

The entire shoe is monochromatic in a silvery gray; laces, stripes, sole and all.  It has three stiff laces going evenly across the top.  There is a wide dotted stripe on the right side and there is a wide dotted stripe on the left side going from laces to sole.  

The top looks like brushed nickel.  The toe of the sneaker is perfectly round.  The sneaker is hard to the touch.  There is a shiny, glossy sole.   

On this sole, there is a vertical etching of a single name going from heel to toe.  The name is written in all capital letters.  

I have worn it every day since it was given to me.  I wear it on a silver chain, across my neck, and close to my heart.  

Since I rarely take it off, the clasp of the chain can tangle in my hair or the charm can get wrapped around to the back of my neck.  It clinks against the chain and the other metal ball on the necklace when I turn it back around.  It is my lucky charm.

This charm was given to me by my husband the day after the birth of our son ten months ago.  It is one of the most important and happiest days of my life.  I will keep it with me always.

Considering M had this in his pocket while at the hospital, it is good he came out a boy.  There would have been an unplanned visit to the jewelry store.