June 8, 2013

Tread Carefully

I am going to warn you, what you are about to see is horrific.  I cannot believe it myself that this occurred and in my own home.

There are some things in life you wish never to see.  There are things that you wish you could un-see if you ever did see it.

This sight transcends all prior abominations that my eyes have beheld.

Tread carefully.

Please be sure you want to see the abhorrence and terror.

This malady happened several weeks ago.  We were just spending time as a family.  And then it happened.

M and Jackson were on the couch.  Just hanging out.  I turned away for a second.  When I looked back, my sight was almost wielded into hysterical blindness.

M, my husband, my love, the father of my child, was doing something abysmal.  Something that the tiniest of boys should not yet be introduced.  My baby has been tarnished.

They were....

They were...

I can hardly get the words out.

They were...looking at the Victoria's Secret Swim Suit catalog!!


My eyes have seen Satan.

My boy may never be right.

My boy even seemed to enjoy it.

Maybe he was looking at it and thinking he was seeing his Mama.  Because I'm all taut, tan, and well-endowed.


That would have been weird though.

Jackson may never be the same.