November 20, 2013

In Excess

I know many of you out there probably have this problem with your kids and I want to know:

What on earth do you do about it?

The issue:  Too many baby clothes.

I am in such excess of them.  They are taking over my closet in trash bags, plastic bins, and just piles.  What do I do with them?

I have pretty much kept everything for the potential of a second child but then what if it's a girl?  What if the sizes don't match with the season?

Should I keep them?

And if I do, what do I do with all of them? They are taking over my life.

I have such wonderful family and friends who have given me all of these clothes and I appreciate it so much.  I am just overwhelmed with the amount.

Should I pick through them and weed out those that are either beginning to show wear, that I may not like all that much, or just say the heck with it, you're out?

Does anyone have any tips on how to organize and store with limited space?

It really gives me a panic attack looking at all of it and trying to think about what to do with them.  So much so that I basically shut down, shut the door, and pretend all of it's not there.  Until I have to go into the closet again.

I need help.

And baby clothes that have itchy tags in them should all be burned.

November 14, 2013

Where did you go?


How have you been?

It seems life has gotten in the way for me.   But that's good.  It meant time with M and J and just being us.  A lot has happened in the past few months such as:

J got his first molar.

J went apple picking for the first time!

J started walking.

J has increased his vocabulary to Mama, Dada, Hi, cheese, shoe, What's this?, moo, roar, up, and Goldfish (as in a favorite snack cracker).  It sounds more like ga-sish but he's working on it.

J transitioned to the young toddler room at day care and is loving it.  He's really thriving.

J went trick or treating for the first time.  He was a lion.  Roar!  He was thrilled.  See?  There were even tears of joy.

J has discovered Thomas the train.  The end.

I got a new job!

I have two more classes until I finish my bachelor's degree!  Four long years and I'm almost there.

I have had thoughts.

Lots of thoughts.

Such as:

Short sleeved sweaters are stupid.  Are you hot or are you cold?  If hot, why would you wear a sweater?  If you're cold, a short sleeved sweater is useless.  And short sleeved turtle neck sweaters?  What are those?  Don't even get me started on sleeveless turtle neck sweaters.

Haagen Dazs ice cream is colder than regular ice cream.

Is it weird that I think that?

Don't answer.

I'm still deciding if I like goat cheese.

Changing J's diaper is now like trying to rope and hold down a calf that is awaiting to be branded.

While J is awake there is no more sitting down, drinking a cup of coffee in peace, going to the bathroom alone, reading an email, eating a bite of anything, or keeping the toy area neat for even two seconds.

But it's awesome.

This is a great age and we are loving every minute of it.

Especially bed time.  It's the best time of day.

Hopefully I'll get on here more because I do have a lot of thoughts.  Sometimes they plague me and I need to get them out.  It's better to voice them here where I cannot see your facial expressions of disgust, confusion, and sympathy as I do from M.