June 29, 2012

39 Weeks

One more week or seven days until my due date!  Wow.  I really just can't wait anymore.

This past weekend, since it may have been our last weekend as just the two of us (plus the dog), M and I decided to just relax and be the two of us.  On Saturday morning, we both had some things to do on our own.  Mine most importantly was getting a haircut and treating myself to a pedicure. After that, we spent the afternoon lounging around the house and then had a date night.  It was most likely the last one we will have for a while.

We had a couple gift certificates to choose from and we decided on Burton's Grill in North Andover, one of our standby favs.  It was nice to get out.  I was very excited for my meal of filet mignon, grilled shrimp, steamed broccoli, and french fries.  But then soon realized I can no longer fit as much food in my stomach so I didn't eat as much as I was hoping but it tasted good just the same.  M helped me out with cleaning my plate.

We were full and didn't order dessert at the restaurant but stopped at the grocery store on the way home and picked up a chocolate ganache cake for later.  Good choice I must say.  Then we went home, got in our comfy clothes, and ordered a movie off On Demand.  So it was me, M, and Maddux snuggled on the couch for the rest of the night with chocolate cake.  It was perfect.

Then Sunday came and we didn't do much of anything.  We went food shopping, did some laundry, and watched some TV.  Nana and Grampie came by for a little while in the afternoon and Nana brought the last shade and hung it in the nursery.  It's so perfect.  His room is together and now really ready to have him in it.  Papa also finished the toy chest so we're good to go!  Bring on the baby!

Just to clarify - M's parents are Nana and Grampie; my parents are Grammie and Papa.

Here it is folks - 39 weeks and the baby is the size of a watermelon.  We all knew the day was coming.  That averages out to about 7lbs.

Baby is just getting some more fat.  That's about it.  He's cooked and I'm done.  Time to come out, little man!

How I'm feeling: Oh Lordy do I just feel terrible.  I can barely walk, I can't sleep, sitting in my desk chair at work hurts, I almost have no appetite anymore, and my belly is just so heavy.  Can the kid just call it day and come already?

I figured out that I have been contracting and been in some sort of pain everyday since the end of April.

I think all the walking might finally be doing something.  This kid has dropped a ton again and it's causing major pain.  My pelvis, groin, and lower back are screaming.  And I can't walk anymore.  For real.

Pregnancy Notes:  Pregnancy should only be 7 or 8 months tops.  This 9 (but really 10) month time frame is ridiculous.

The place where my belly button was (is) has turned sort of dark.  It's kind of weird.  I never got that dark line down my belly though which was great.

Yeah, we still haven't nailed down a pediatrician yet.  We probably should.  There was one we wanted and thought we could get and then come to find out, she stopped accepting new patients.  We're looking at others now but we kind of need this like ASAP.

I think last week during my false alarm was the only time I have ever wanted to actually stay and be admitted to a hospital.  I actually got excited thinking about it.  I was thinking I'll go to my room, I'll get into bed, they'll give me my IV and epidural and boom, baby will come within the day!

Food cravings and notes:  Ugh.  There's no more room in me for organs, baby, and food.

Doctor's Visit: Ultrasound and check-up on Tuesday.  After the ultrasound, I met with my doctor and I was 2cm and still 75% effaced.  She said any day now!  Hmm, we'll see.  She mentioned that if I don't go on my own, she will induce me on July 11 but most likely not before as there is no medical reason.  Please pray for me.  I can't go that much longer!  I was also hooked up to the monitors again at this appointment as they wanted to check on the baby because his breathing on the ultrasound was a little shallow.  Good news - he's just fine!  They estimated his weight at 6lbs 9oz which is getting up there especially for me.  I'm hoping the margin of error is leaning towards the half pound or so less.

I wasn't scheduled to go again until July 6th but my doctor thought this was too long between appointments so I had another one this morning!  Got hooked up to the monitors again and baby looks good.  Still 2cm, 75% effaced, and baby's head is at -1/0 station so super low.  I am measuring small and they want me to come back later this morning for another ultrasound to check fluid levels.  We'll go from there.

June 22, 2012

38 Weeks

Really?  I'm still here and pregnant?  I thought maybe this weekly pregnancy installment of the blog was ending.  Nope.

I was so hoping I would go into labor over the weekend.  Or during the week.  I was walking a ton, doing squats, eating pineapple, anything I could to try and get labor really going.

I'm getting really annoyed with the Braxton Hicks contractions.  Everyone so often one gets me good and I think "This is it!" and then nothing.  No more.  Nothing stays consistent.

And then I'm like "Come on, water, break!"  Nothing is listening.

And M says "I want the baby here now.  Can you have him?"  I was like "If it were that easy, he would have been here last week!"


And then the icing on the cake was the evening I did have contractions that were 6-8 minutes apart.  I actually wasn't even going to call the doctor but M was like just call.  So I did.  I figured they would just say rest, drink water, and keep monitoring them because they really weren't that painful (at least in my opinion).  But they said go to the hospital.  So off we went into Boston.  Once at the hospital, they check me in and I wait to be called.  Once called, I go into the triage room and they hook me up to the monitors.  I was definitely contracting so the nurse said with the heat, I want to make sure you're not dehydrated so drink this.  I am not lying, biggest cup of water ever.  M was like yeah right, she can't drink that.  But I do.  The nurse comes back and checks me and I was still at 1.5cm and 50% effaced as I was last week but I was still contracting.  She goes you're going to hate me but I want you to drink another cup of water.  I was like huh??  Can I pee??  She was like oh of course.  Anyway, I drink another cup of water and she comes back.  I'm still contracting and she checks me again and says nothing has changed.  Over the course of 3 hours or so the contractions did nothing to change my cervix so she says we're going to send you home.  I was like really??  I was so disappointed.  I wanted so badly to be in labor and felt so frustrated that we had to go through all of this.  I know most mothers have these false alarms but I was hoping I wouldn't.  At least we know where we need to go and what we need to do.

But it just blows.  And to top that off even more, there was really bad traffic on 93 coming home and remember I drank two huge cups of water.  You can imagine my utter agony of contractions, baby kicking, and intense need to pee.  It was not a fun night.  Hopefully the next time we're at the hospital, it's for real.

The kid is playing with our emotions.

Ok enough lamenting.  I really just need to get out of my own head and relax for however much longer I'm pregnant.

Soon enough I will see his precious face and kiss his little baby toes!  Until then, it's more walking and then I'm going to go for another walk, and then I'm going for a walk.

Here we are at 38 weeks.

It says baby is about 6.8 lbs (mine is smaller) and about 19.5 inches long - like a long leek.

Organs have matured and he's ready to be outside the womb.  You hear that, baby boy?  Don't you want to come out?  Now it's just a continued waiting game for me.  Have I mentioned I don't like waiting or not knowing when things are going to happen? 

How I'm feeling: Heavy.




Pregnancy Notes:  Why am I still here??  Pregnancy is no fun at the end.  Seriously.  First trimester sucks.  Second trimester is great.  Third trimester sucks an even bigger one.  Come on labor!  I'm ready for you!

What if my water breaks while in the shower and I don't realize it?

As it is winding down, I am a little sad that I will no longer feel his kicks inside me.  But mostly, I am grateful for the healthy pregnancy I have had.  I truly have been blessed as there could have been many trials but I was lucky and had none.  God was watching over me and my little boy.

Food cravings and notes:  Who cares.  I just want what I haven't been able to have these past nine months.

Doctor's Visit: Check-up today.  I am still at 1.5cm (boo) and -1 station but am now 75% effaced.  Which is good but I need to dilate more!

PS- Happy Birthday to my Mom aka Grammie!

June 15, 2012

37 Weeks

When I posted last week, I hadn't gone to the doctor's yet.  I went later that same morning.  Everything looks great and there was some awesome news!  The nurse practioner was not going to check me in certain ways but I was like but could you?  So she did.  I'm very glad I asked.  I am already thinning, at 1cm dilation, and the baby's head is already at -1 station (remember though, this was a week ago so it could be more now)!  The NP was actually shocked at how low his head is already.  If you don't know what the stations of labor are, check out this handy chart.  This explains the severe discomfort in my pelvic region and why I walk like a duck.

Anyway, I was excited all weekend and was hoping I would go into labor.  Yes, I'm crazy and I realize that you can be at 1cm for weeks but I figured since his head was so low, things would move at warp speed.  Heh.  Either way, things are moving in the right direction and it's just more indication that the end is near!!

I was in crazy nesting mode this weekend too.  I got up early Saturday morning and washed and organized the bottles, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the stove, swept the floors, dusted, and picked up clutter that was around the house.  Then I ran errands to get last minute baby stuff, M and I reogranized a closet and designated stuff for good will, he installed the car seat base into my car, he vacuumed, I did laundry, and we finished cleaning the kitchen by wiping down the cabinets and polishing the stainless steel appliances.  Then on Sunday, I took the dog for a nice relaxing walk, I washed the floors, M and I took the stuff to good will, went food shopping, I ironed, did some more laundry, and M got some clothes together for him to bring to the hospital.  All in all, it was a very productive weekend and I don't want to do anything in the house that will dirty it all up again.

Just so you know - I did fit a nap in on both days.

I am seriously ready.  Any time is fine.  Each week gets progressively harder and harder.

I have made it full term!  At 37 weeks, baby is on average 6 and 1/3 pounds and about 19 inches long; about as long as a stalk of swiss chard.

If I went into labor now, his lungs would be mature enough and may even have a full head of hair.  He's just continuing to cook but the timer is counting down.

The Braxton Hicks are definitely increasing in intensity and I actually thought (hoped) I was in labor the other day.  The nurse on the phone was extremely nice and did say with the sounds of what I was feeling, it did appear to be the beginning stages of labor.  But then I started feeling better.  Boo.  But seriously, beginning stages are also thinning, dilation, and the baby dropping and I've already started all of those so I am on my way.  I'm just done being pregnant.

How I'm feeling: Anxious, excited, nervous, and ready.

Sometimes I just can't sit.  I feel like I'm sitting on his noggin.

I threw in some squats over the weekend.  Potentially good for progressing labor, proven way to tighten butts.  Win-win either way.

Somedays I'm just so sore.  And I've been having sharp shooting pains down my lower back into my butt.

I think the kid is doing damage to my organs.  It hurts so bad when he moves around sometimes.  And my stomach  muscles are killing me.  It hurts to laugh.

Pregnancy Notes:  I now get looks of sympathy and empathy from others when they see me lumbering myself around.

We already have people throwing in their guesses on the date the baby will arrive.  I'm curious to see if any are correct!

Food cravings and notes:  I've actually had a decreased appetite lately.  I eat because I have to not because I'm hungry.  And the heartburn has started up again so that makes it difficult too.  This has kind of been a rough week all around.

Doctor's Visit: Check-up today.  I am now at 1.5cm. 50% effaced, and still at -1 station.  The doctor anticipates I will go early but of course, they really can never predict.  But she said with my size, they would not have me go much past my 40 week due date.  They don't want the baby to get too big either because that would increase my chances of a c-section.  She was happy with the progression and what my body has been doing.

June 8, 2012

36 Weeks

At the time of my last post, I actually hadn't gone to my doctor's appointment yet.  There was a small scare.  I was debating whether or not to include this in my blog post as it is personal medical stuff but at this point, I've shared almost everything I've experienced and figured others reading could relate or have the same issue. 

The doctor discovered that I was measuring smaller than I should be at this point in my pregnancy.  She recommended that I have an ultrasound to take a closer look and see what the reason might be.  She stated his head is super low already and that was probably why but she wanted to be sure.  I said whatever we need to do.  I got an ultrasound scheduled for an hour later.

I had the ultrasound and of course, the technician says nothing.  Although she did say that the baby has chubby cheeks and that made me smile.  Just like his Daddy.  Afterwards, she told me to go to the waiting room while someone reviewed the images.  About 10 minutes later, she came back out and said you're all set and you can go home.  I was like is someone going to call me to tell me what's going on and she said yes.  That was it.

I waited and waited all afternoon worrying.  I finally called and was told someone would call me by the end of the day.  When that didn't happen, M called and at that point, it was the answering service.  A woman did give me a call but could only tell me what the report said.  It said size normal to date; reassuring.  Well, that was some good news but there were more answers I wanted!  When you say you're going to call someone before the end of the day, do it!  Don't make a pregnant woman stress all day.  Geesh.  At about 7:30pm we got another phone call and it was my doctor calling from home.  I was so thankful she called.  I got all the answers I needed.

I am measuring small because he has dropped significantly and his head is resting right on my cervix which explains the pressure.  He's in the 27th percentile for growth and they estimate his current weight at 5lbs 3oz.  His estimated delivery weight in between 6.5 and 7lbs.  Just perfect.  He has assumed the position!

I could now enjoy the weekend.

At 36 weeks, baby is averaging around 18.5 inches and about 6 pounds (although my little guy is a bit smaller).  This is like a crenshaw melon.  Whatever that is.

The baby is gaining about an ounce a day and is swallowing all kinds of goo that is in the amniotic sac.  This will come out in his first diaper or two and look blackish.  Blech.  Baby will also be considered full term at the end of this week!  It also says I will be feeling all the symptoms I have been feeling and write about below.  The end is getting near.

How I'm feeling: Relieved.

My hips and pelvis are aching like crazy.  As a result, I'm walking like an idiot. 

Getting more and more crampy.

Due to the kid dropping, the belly resting on my legs is even worse.  My legs now hit it when walking up stairs.  It's awesome.

I swear this kid is playing with me.  He's getting some good punches in and sending shooting pains down into my area and I bet he's laughing.  "Isn't this fun Mama?  Don't you love me???"

I pee about every half hour. 

Pregnancy Notes: The bag for the hospital is packed!  I am feeling like I'm going to deliver early but that's probably wishful thinking and I will jinx myself.  The doctor stated that at this point, if I go into labor, they will let me progress.  They aren't quite as concerned with the Braxton Hicks anymore and if they increase or intensify, it probably means I'm beginning labor.

There is absolutely no way to gracefully get in and out of bed.  Now that he's dropped, being able to roll over and lift yourself to get out of the bed is straight up humiliating and then trying to walk to the bathroom while all stiff and having the baby just resting on your pelvis is just laughable.  And then there's no better way to lay yourself back down so you basically just flop down and jostle the entire bed disturbing both the hubs and the dog.

He might crack the skin of my belly open with the kicks he gets in.  Kempo classes for the little man?

Food cravings and notes:  I went to Panera on my way home from the doctor's and got their Strawberry and Chicken salad with Poppyseed Dressing.  Very delicious.  Although there were supposed to be pecans in it and they weren't there.  I wanted the pecans.  The girl at the check out asked if there was anything else and there were fresh chocolate chip cookies right in front of the cash register.  I was like Yes...this and picked up a cookie.  I deserved it!

Fruit salad!  Ever since I had it last week, it's all I want.  While grocery shopping, I got grapes, watermelon, honey dew melon, and pineapple and threw together my own salad.  So fresh and delicious.  Question though - should I be eating this much pineapple with four weeks to go?  I'm curious whether the old wives' tale is true and pineapple can induce labor.  Guess I'll find out.

I also wanted a tuna salad sandwich in a pita pocket.  Very specific here.  Are my cravings starting now?  At the end?

Doctor's Visit: Check-up today.  We'll see how it goes.

June 1, 2012

35 Weeks

It's getting so close!  I am so ready and so freaked out!  I am definitely starting to feel like he's dropping and my body is preparing.  Pelvic pressure is getting strong.  I was walking the dog over the weekend and I swear the baby was trying to get out.  I feel like my hips are expanding and stretching too.  I told this to M and he was like, can you please pack your bag now?  I think he's getting anxious too!  I actually have made a list with the things I need to bring.  If I don't, I'd forget something important like underwear.

I took apart the second diaper cake we received for our baby shower and it seems we have plenty of diapers.  You would think we have more than enough but I know that is just a facade.  We'll burn through them pretty quickly.  We also have several cloth diapers that we will also use but we have a ton of disposables and we will certainly not be wasting those.

My work also threw me a baby shower this week.  It was so sweet.  And slightly awkward but still lots of fun.  So many more gifts for the little guy and more homemade cupcakes which you can never go wrong with.  Here are some pictures:

A sock tree!  And cupcakes.  There were lemon, chocolate with butter cream, and chocolate peanut butter cup ones.  Oh goodness.

Clothesline of adorable outfits and many gifts!  Such generosity in my co-workers.

An adorable handmade knitted strawberry hat.

The coziest looking winter coverup ever.  I would crawl into it myself if I could fit.  (And I apologize for the crazy face I'm making).

So again, we are extremely blessed and my work family certainly out did themselves.  M was even astonished by the amount of gifts we received.  Everyone loves a new baby it seems!

I've made it to 35 weeks.  Phew.  Baby is now 18 inches long and about 5.25 pounds - like a honeydew melon.

Baby is now officially running out of room.  It says he will no longer be able to do somersaults or flip over but kicks should stay the same.  I don't think he's liking his home in there anymore.  The stretching and kicking is becoming more painful.  He's still plumping up too.

How I'm feeling: My groin hurts.  I'm sure that is in preparation of the watermelon that will be squeezing through in a couple of weeks.

My belly rests significantly on my lap when sitting as you can see in the above photo.  I do not like the way it feels.

Still having braxton hicks.

Nighttime routine: Go to bed.  Sleep for about an hour or an hour and a half.  Get up and pee.  Get back in bed.  Repeat for the entire night. 
Pregnancy Notes:  Still no swelling or stretch marks.  I've been told I could still get the stretch marks.  We shall see.

I was able to cut my toenails by myself!  Shaving my legs is an issue though.

Food cravings and notes:   M and I went out to lunch and I had a Roasted Chicken and Arugula Pesto flatbread pizza and it was delicious.

I hadn't had grapes in a while and forgot just how much baby likes them.  I had fruit salad at the office shower and he went bananas for the rest of the afternoon.

Doctor's Visit:  Check-up.  I will now be going weekly until delivery.