June 8, 2012

36 Weeks

At the time of my last post, I actually hadn't gone to my doctor's appointment yet.  There was a small scare.  I was debating whether or not to include this in my blog post as it is personal medical stuff but at this point, I've shared almost everything I've experienced and figured others reading could relate or have the same issue. 

The doctor discovered that I was measuring smaller than I should be at this point in my pregnancy.  She recommended that I have an ultrasound to take a closer look and see what the reason might be.  She stated his head is super low already and that was probably why but she wanted to be sure.  I said whatever we need to do.  I got an ultrasound scheduled for an hour later.

I had the ultrasound and of course, the technician says nothing.  Although she did say that the baby has chubby cheeks and that made me smile.  Just like his Daddy.  Afterwards, she told me to go to the waiting room while someone reviewed the images.  About 10 minutes later, she came back out and said you're all set and you can go home.  I was like is someone going to call me to tell me what's going on and she said yes.  That was it.

I waited and waited all afternoon worrying.  I finally called and was told someone would call me by the end of the day.  When that didn't happen, M called and at that point, it was the answering service.  A woman did give me a call but could only tell me what the report said.  It said size normal to date; reassuring.  Well, that was some good news but there were more answers I wanted!  When you say you're going to call someone before the end of the day, do it!  Don't make a pregnant woman stress all day.  Geesh.  At about 7:30pm we got another phone call and it was my doctor calling from home.  I was so thankful she called.  I got all the answers I needed.

I am measuring small because he has dropped significantly and his head is resting right on my cervix which explains the pressure.  He's in the 27th percentile for growth and they estimate his current weight at 5lbs 3oz.  His estimated delivery weight in between 6.5 and 7lbs.  Just perfect.  He has assumed the position!

I could now enjoy the weekend.

At 36 weeks, baby is averaging around 18.5 inches and about 6 pounds (although my little guy is a bit smaller).  This is like a crenshaw melon.  Whatever that is.

The baby is gaining about an ounce a day and is swallowing all kinds of goo that is in the amniotic sac.  This will come out in his first diaper or two and look blackish.  Blech.  Baby will also be considered full term at the end of this week!  It also says I will be feeling all the symptoms I have been feeling and write about below.  The end is getting near.

How I'm feeling: Relieved.

My hips and pelvis are aching like crazy.  As a result, I'm walking like an idiot. 

Getting more and more crampy.

Due to the kid dropping, the belly resting on my legs is even worse.  My legs now hit it when walking up stairs.  It's awesome.

I swear this kid is playing with me.  He's getting some good punches in and sending shooting pains down into my area and I bet he's laughing.  "Isn't this fun Mama?  Don't you love me???"

I pee about every half hour. 

Pregnancy Notes: The bag for the hospital is packed!  I am feeling like I'm going to deliver early but that's probably wishful thinking and I will jinx myself.  The doctor stated that at this point, if I go into labor, they will let me progress.  They aren't quite as concerned with the Braxton Hicks anymore and if they increase or intensify, it probably means I'm beginning labor.

There is absolutely no way to gracefully get in and out of bed.  Now that he's dropped, being able to roll over and lift yourself to get out of the bed is straight up humiliating and then trying to walk to the bathroom while all stiff and having the baby just resting on your pelvis is just laughable.  And then there's no better way to lay yourself back down so you basically just flop down and jostle the entire bed disturbing both the hubs and the dog.

He might crack the skin of my belly open with the kicks he gets in.  Kempo classes for the little man?

Food cravings and notes:  I went to Panera on my way home from the doctor's and got their Strawberry and Chicken salad with Poppyseed Dressing.  Very delicious.  Although there were supposed to be pecans in it and they weren't there.  I wanted the pecans.  The girl at the check out asked if there was anything else and there were fresh chocolate chip cookies right in front of the cash register.  I was like Yes...this and picked up a cookie.  I deserved it!

Fruit salad!  Ever since I had it last week, it's all I want.  While grocery shopping, I got grapes, watermelon, honey dew melon, and pineapple and threw together my own salad.  So fresh and delicious.  Question though - should I be eating this much pineapple with four weeks to go?  I'm curious whether the old wives' tale is true and pineapple can induce labor.  Guess I'll find out.

I also wanted a tuna salad sandwich in a pita pocket.  Very specific here.  Are my cravings starting now?  At the end?

Doctor's Visit: Check-up today.  We'll see how it goes.

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