June 15, 2012

37 Weeks

When I posted last week, I hadn't gone to the doctor's yet.  I went later that same morning.  Everything looks great and there was some awesome news!  The nurse practioner was not going to check me in certain ways but I was like but could you?  So she did.  I'm very glad I asked.  I am already thinning, at 1cm dilation, and the baby's head is already at -1 station (remember though, this was a week ago so it could be more now)!  The NP was actually shocked at how low his head is already.  If you don't know what the stations of labor are, check out this handy chart.  This explains the severe discomfort in my pelvic region and why I walk like a duck.

Anyway, I was excited all weekend and was hoping I would go into labor.  Yes, I'm crazy and I realize that you can be at 1cm for weeks but I figured since his head was so low, things would move at warp speed.  Heh.  Either way, things are moving in the right direction and it's just more indication that the end is near!!

I was in crazy nesting mode this weekend too.  I got up early Saturday morning and washed and organized the bottles, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the stove, swept the floors, dusted, and picked up clutter that was around the house.  Then I ran errands to get last minute baby stuff, M and I reogranized a closet and designated stuff for good will, he installed the car seat base into my car, he vacuumed, I did laundry, and we finished cleaning the kitchen by wiping down the cabinets and polishing the stainless steel appliances.  Then on Sunday, I took the dog for a nice relaxing walk, I washed the floors, M and I took the stuff to good will, went food shopping, I ironed, did some more laundry, and M got some clothes together for him to bring to the hospital.  All in all, it was a very productive weekend and I don't want to do anything in the house that will dirty it all up again.

Just so you know - I did fit a nap in on both days.

I am seriously ready.  Any time is fine.  Each week gets progressively harder and harder.

I have made it full term!  At 37 weeks, baby is on average 6 and 1/3 pounds and about 19 inches long; about as long as a stalk of swiss chard.

If I went into labor now, his lungs would be mature enough and may even have a full head of hair.  He's just continuing to cook but the timer is counting down.

The Braxton Hicks are definitely increasing in intensity and I actually thought (hoped) I was in labor the other day.  The nurse on the phone was extremely nice and did say with the sounds of what I was feeling, it did appear to be the beginning stages of labor.  But then I started feeling better.  Boo.  But seriously, beginning stages are also thinning, dilation, and the baby dropping and I've already started all of those so I am on my way.  I'm just done being pregnant.

How I'm feeling: Anxious, excited, nervous, and ready.

Sometimes I just can't sit.  I feel like I'm sitting on his noggin.

I threw in some squats over the weekend.  Potentially good for progressing labor, proven way to tighten butts.  Win-win either way.

Somedays I'm just so sore.  And I've been having sharp shooting pains down my lower back into my butt.

I think the kid is doing damage to my organs.  It hurts so bad when he moves around sometimes.  And my stomach  muscles are killing me.  It hurts to laugh.

Pregnancy Notes:  I now get looks of sympathy and empathy from others when they see me lumbering myself around.

We already have people throwing in their guesses on the date the baby will arrive.  I'm curious to see if any are correct!

Food cravings and notes:  I've actually had a decreased appetite lately.  I eat because I have to not because I'm hungry.  And the heartburn has started up again so that makes it difficult too.  This has kind of been a rough week all around.

Doctor's Visit: Check-up today.  I am now at 1.5cm. 50% effaced, and still at -1 station.  The doctor anticipates I will go early but of course, they really can never predict.  But she said with my size, they would not have me go much past my 40 week due date.  They don't want the baby to get too big either because that would increase my chances of a c-section.  She was happy with the progression and what my body has been doing.

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