May 25, 2012

34 Weeks

Looks like I made it to an important week.  My doctor said that if I go into labor from here on out, they wouldn't stop it.  The baby would be in the NICU though so we definitely don't want that.  It just confirms that he's coming soon.  And he wants out.

He is brutal during the day.  He does not stop kicking.  Luckily, he doesn't move much at night so that seems to be his current down time.  Hopefully that continues when he's here and he'll be sleeping through the night pretty quickly.  Heh.

I feel like I'm back in my first trimester where the days and weeks are just dragging by.  I know I only have six more weeks, give or take, but I remember thinking during the first three months of this pregnancy "Ugh, I have six more weeks of feeling like this?!"  That's kind of where I'm back to now.

It's partly because of how I feel physically but also because I just want to see his face.  Someone should have told me not to watch A Baby Story on TLC.  One; because labor is scary and some of these women have major complications and two; because it's so emotional when the baby is out and is in their mother's arms for the first time.  I cannot wait for that feeling to hit me.  I actually teared up a couple times and that is not like me.  Hormones.  But I do just want to meet my son.

At 34 weeks, baby now weighs 4.75 pounds, like a cantaloupe!  He is also 18 inches long.  So close to his birth size.  I'm getting anxious. 

His fat layers are developing more and his nervous system and lungs are continuing to develop. Like I stated above, if I went into labor from this point forward, the baby would survive.

I watched a video on the website of a live epidural birth. It was disturbing to watch the full frontal but the mother was extremely calm and relaxed. That was reassuring.

How I'm feeling: So uncomfortable.

I swear this kid is trying to crawl out of my ass.  Sometimes it feels like he's punching on my butt and is trying to get out that way.   He is correct in that it is an exit, it is just not his way out.

Pregnancy Notes:  While standing in line at an ice cream social in my office, a co-worker, a male co-worker, asks me how much weight I've gained.  I almost answered in my pregnancy fog but thankfully a woman co-worker rescued me and basically said "Oh no, not okay to ever ask a woman that, clown."  Seriously, not an okay question on so many levels.  He tried to smooth it over by saying no, how much has the baby gained in weight.  Right.

Another woman co-worker ran into me in the bathroom as I was washing my hands and said "Man, you're getting BIG!"  I felt like going oh yeah, at least I wash my hands, scrub.

I know I'm beginning to sound like a martyr and like I'm looking for validation about my size so I will shut up about it now.  I am really not fishing for anything.  It just astonishes me what people say to pregnant women.

Food cravings and notes:   See ice cream social above.

Doctor's Visit:  None.

May 18, 2012

33 Weeks

Being sick and 8 months pregnant is no fun at all.  I have been so miserable.  I just wish I could take something!  The doctor said if I had a fever, I may be able to get antibiotics but I didn't have a fever.  They also said I could take Robitussin throat lozenges so I went to CVS, they didn't have them.  I went to Walgreen's, they didn't have them.  I asked the Pharmacist at Walgreen's if I just missed them and he said Robitussin doesn't make lozenges.  Um, ok.  Except that they do.  Whatever.

So something I've been thinking about lately.  Birthing classes.  Are they really necessary?  I actually took an online one that my doctor's office puts on and it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know.  And I figure, when in labor, the nurses are going to be telling me what I need to do and what's going on so what difference does it make?  I don't think I care at this point.

And I don't have a definite birth plan.  I will do whatever is necessary.  And I already said I want the drugs.  I am not going to fight the doctor on anything.  I am really just going to leave it up to them.  They really know best.

I also don't know if I should take a Caring for a Newborn class.  I know how to change a diaper.  I am a little nervous about bathing.  They are slippery little suckers.  And when do I need to feed him?  How often do I need to feed?  What if I feed him too much?  What if he's not getting enough?  I still haven't decided whether I'll breastfeed, pump, or go with formula.  Breastfeeding gives me the heebs and skeeves me out like you wouldn't believe.  I don't care how natural it is; to me, it's gross.  I may give it a go in the hospital and meet with the lactation consultant but I'm leaning towards pumping and supplementing with formula if necessary.  If breast milk is best, does it matter if the kid is latched onto me or if it comes out of a bottle?  I will bond with him just enough, thank you.  I don't need him sucking on my boob.  Nor am I down with the public displays of breastfeeding.  I get your kid needs to be fed but the rest of the world doesn't need to see your feeding bags.  Cover up or go into a more private place that's all I'm saying.  Don't mean to offend anyone, I'm just telling ya how it is for me.  Oh, we also don't need to hear about the joys when the kid gets teeth.  Major over share, peeps.

End of the day, the kid needs to be fed, doesn't matter where it's coming from.  And if I used formula, what is the best kind?  M and I were in the store the other day and I was going to pick some up to have on hand and I had no idea what brand to get.  I should probably do some research.

33 weeks down!  He is now 17 inches and just over 4 pounds.  This is about the weight of a pineapple!  Yikes.

His skin is losing the wrinkles and the skeleton is hardening.  Which I can confirm.  That's about it this week.

There was also an article this week about perineal massage.  I threw up in my mouth a little.  Seriously?  That was disgusting and horrifying.  I can never unsee this article now.

How I'm feeling: Sicky.

The skin between my boobs and belly hurts.  I think it's from the bra sitting between the two.

Pregnancy Notes: It's ridiculous how slowly I walk now.

It's getting near impossible to get in and out of the car.

Newborn sized diapers are just about the cutest things ever.  I took apart one diaper cake and lined up the newborn diapers in a drawer and organized the changing table area.  I am ready to go for Mission: Diaper Change!  Except for baby powder.  I don't have any of that yet.

Food cravings and notes:   I was sick and couldn't taste anything anyway so it didn't matter.

Doctor's Visit:  Regular check up.  It seems since the BH contractions are happening, I will now be violated at each visit.

May 10, 2012

32 Weeks

I have no idea what to write this week.  There wasn't anything really eventful.  Except for the emergency doctor's visit because of Braxton Hicks.  Seriously.  They are not fun.  Over the weekend, they were non-stop and I should have called the doctor then but I'm really bad at calling the doctor.

Anyway, I called on Monday morning and at first, the nurse said they were Braxton Hicks and that I didn't need to come in.  Then several hours later I got another call saying no wait, we do want you to come in.  The first time, I was little miffed that I wasn't going in because I wanted to be sure but then when I got the second call I was like oh crap.  I was very nervous driving to the doctor's.

They saw me right away and luckily I did have two of them when I was with the NP so she could feel how hard and tight my belly got.  So they did a complete exam (ahem) and did this test that can determine whether or not you'll go into labor within the next two weeks.  I have absolutely no idea how this works and how this could possibly be determined but it came back negative so I guess I'm good for the next two weeks.

Then they strapped on the fetal and uterine monitors for 45 minutes.  Of course, no contractions while hooked up to that but the baby was moving around so much that they couldn't get a good reading on his heartbeat so I had to hold the fetal monitor down to keep it in place.  Bonus though was being able to listen to his heartbeat for 45 straight minutes.  Best sound ever.  When those straps were finally taken off, this kid stretched out like you wouldn't believe and the nurse was like Whoa!  I was like yeah, he does that all the time.

Final diagnosis was they are Braxton Hicks and if I ever get more than five an hour (again.  heh. oops) I am to call immediately and I may need to go on rest.  I'm trying to take it easy, drink a load-ton of water, and put my feet up when I can.

And now, as I write this, I am sick.  First time in the entire pregnancy I've caught that thing that is going around.  Major sore throat.  M has been wicked sick so I guess I was bound to get it.  No fun at all.

Now we're getting down to the final weeks!  At week 32, the baby is 16.75 inches long and 3.75 pounds - like a large jicama.

He is so close to being the size he'll be when he comes out!  So crazy.  He's continuing to fatten up and gain weight, which means I'll gain weight but that's ok.  He needs to be healthy.  That's about all that's going on now.  The end is near!

How I'm feeling: See above.

Pregnancy Notes: 8 more weeks.  Please no more than that.

These posts are getting boring, I know.  I'm too tired to be clever and witty.

Food cravings and notes:   M had his 15 year high school reunion on Saturday night.  The food was just terrible.  It also didn't help that this was the night those Braxton Hicks were raging so I did not enjoy myself at all.

Doctor's Visit: Unscheduled visit due to Braxton Hicks contractions.

May 4, 2012

31 Weeks

It was baby shower week!  My wonderful family and friends all gathered on Saturday to celebrate our new little addition.  It was an incredible time and I was overwhelmed with every one's generosity.  We are so blessed with those who are in our lives and it means so much to us how everyone is sharing our joy. 

There was great food, great people, and amazing gifts.  We are wanting or in need of nothing.  It was all such a blur and it all went very fast and I wish I could have savored the moment just a little bit more but when M and I went through the gifts the following day, we were overcome with appreciation.  This little boy is already spoiled rotten and frankly, how could it be any other way?

Grammie, Nana, and Auntie did an absolutely SPECTACULAR job on all the planning, decorations, and execution of this baby shower.  It was just perfect.  The room was beautiful, the decorations were adorable, and there were delicious homemade cupcakes.  It was also a brunch buffet which you can never go wrong with.  There was fresh fruit, pastries, scrambled eggs, roasted potatoes, french toast, canadian bacon, bacon, and chicken broccoli ziti. 

Take a look at the incredible job they did:

Beautiful room and beautiful decorations!

Cupcakes!  So delicious.

Overwhelming generosity.  Too many gifts to count.

Sports Themed diaper cake made by Nana and Auntie.  So adorable!

Monkey diaper cake made by two of my closest friends.  So incredible!

Handmade Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls by Nana.  One of my favorite gifts.

More gifts and a super awesome Uppa Baby stroller from my cousins and Aunt!  So much love.

30 week baby bump!

It was such an amazing day and I will never forget it.  I was sad when it was over but now the countdown is really on for our son's arrival.  That's the next biggest thing!

Baby at week 31 is 16 inches long and weighs about 3.3lbs - like 4 navel oranges.

I can certainly tell he's getting bigger and weighing more.  I can just feel gravity pull down when I stand.  It doesn't feel good.  I also feel like I've dropped but that's probably just me being crazy.

He can move his head from side to side and he's plumping up everywhere.  And he is definitely moving around like crazy in there.  It's getting really achy feeling now.  Luckily, he seems to understand that nighttime is for sleeping and he doesn't move much at night so he doesn't keep me up that way.  That's very good.  It's just the peeing and inability to roll over gracefully that keeps me up at night now.

It says I may be experiencing some Braxton Hicks contractions and oh boy have I.  My belly will get rock hard for several seconds and feel so tight.  It's very strange and uncomfortable.  Not painful but doesn't feel good either.   9 more weeks to go!

How I'm feeling: This kid has failed to realize that I am not a trampoline.

I feel like sometimes he's scraping my insides when he moves.  He does have fingernails and toenails you know.  Sometimes it makes me catch my breath when he moves because it's a little painful.

There are single digit weeks left now in this pregnancy.  This is exciting and terrifying.

Pregnancy Notes: It's all getting so very difficult.  The third trimester is rough.  That's no lie.

I can no longer take the laundry out of the washer or dryer. Or clean the bathtub.

M so lovingly asked if he could help me put my socks on one morning as he was watching me try and contort myself.   I kept my pride and said, no, I will do it myself.   And I did. With clumsiness and grunting.

M and I played "Can you hear me now" with the baby monitor.  I am happy to report that he could hear me now.

Food cravings and notes:   I wanted that stinking bacon at the shower!  Curse you nitrates!

Doctor's Visit: None.