May 25, 2012

34 Weeks

Looks like I made it to an important week.  My doctor said that if I go into labor from here on out, they wouldn't stop it.  The baby would be in the NICU though so we definitely don't want that.  It just confirms that he's coming soon.  And he wants out.

He is brutal during the day.  He does not stop kicking.  Luckily, he doesn't move much at night so that seems to be his current down time.  Hopefully that continues when he's here and he'll be sleeping through the night pretty quickly.  Heh.

I feel like I'm back in my first trimester where the days and weeks are just dragging by.  I know I only have six more weeks, give or take, but I remember thinking during the first three months of this pregnancy "Ugh, I have six more weeks of feeling like this?!"  That's kind of where I'm back to now.

It's partly because of how I feel physically but also because I just want to see his face.  Someone should have told me not to watch A Baby Story on TLC.  One; because labor is scary and some of these women have major complications and two; because it's so emotional when the baby is out and is in their mother's arms for the first time.  I cannot wait for that feeling to hit me.  I actually teared up a couple times and that is not like me.  Hormones.  But I do just want to meet my son.

At 34 weeks, baby now weighs 4.75 pounds, like a cantaloupe!  He is also 18 inches long.  So close to his birth size.  I'm getting anxious. 

His fat layers are developing more and his nervous system and lungs are continuing to develop. Like I stated above, if I went into labor from this point forward, the baby would survive.

I watched a video on the website of a live epidural birth. It was disturbing to watch the full frontal but the mother was extremely calm and relaxed. That was reassuring.

How I'm feeling: So uncomfortable.

I swear this kid is trying to crawl out of my ass.  Sometimes it feels like he's punching on my butt and is trying to get out that way.   He is correct in that it is an exit, it is just not his way out.

Pregnancy Notes:  While standing in line at an ice cream social in my office, a co-worker, a male co-worker, asks me how much weight I've gained.  I almost answered in my pregnancy fog but thankfully a woman co-worker rescued me and basically said "Oh no, not okay to ever ask a woman that, clown."  Seriously, not an okay question on so many levels.  He tried to smooth it over by saying no, how much has the baby gained in weight.  Right.

Another woman co-worker ran into me in the bathroom as I was washing my hands and said "Man, you're getting BIG!"  I felt like going oh yeah, at least I wash my hands, scrub.

I know I'm beginning to sound like a martyr and like I'm looking for validation about my size so I will shut up about it now.  I am really not fishing for anything.  It just astonishes me what people say to pregnant women.

Food cravings and notes:   See ice cream social above.

Doctor's Visit:  None.

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