May 10, 2012

32 Weeks

I have no idea what to write this week.  There wasn't anything really eventful.  Except for the emergency doctor's visit because of Braxton Hicks.  Seriously.  They are not fun.  Over the weekend, they were non-stop and I should have called the doctor then but I'm really bad at calling the doctor.

Anyway, I called on Monday morning and at first, the nurse said they were Braxton Hicks and that I didn't need to come in.  Then several hours later I got another call saying no wait, we do want you to come in.  The first time, I was little miffed that I wasn't going in because I wanted to be sure but then when I got the second call I was like oh crap.  I was very nervous driving to the doctor's.

They saw me right away and luckily I did have two of them when I was with the NP so she could feel how hard and tight my belly got.  So they did a complete exam (ahem) and did this test that can determine whether or not you'll go into labor within the next two weeks.  I have absolutely no idea how this works and how this could possibly be determined but it came back negative so I guess I'm good for the next two weeks.

Then they strapped on the fetal and uterine monitors for 45 minutes.  Of course, no contractions while hooked up to that but the baby was moving around so much that they couldn't get a good reading on his heartbeat so I had to hold the fetal monitor down to keep it in place.  Bonus though was being able to listen to his heartbeat for 45 straight minutes.  Best sound ever.  When those straps were finally taken off, this kid stretched out like you wouldn't believe and the nurse was like Whoa!  I was like yeah, he does that all the time.

Final diagnosis was they are Braxton Hicks and if I ever get more than five an hour (again.  heh. oops) I am to call immediately and I may need to go on rest.  I'm trying to take it easy, drink a load-ton of water, and put my feet up when I can.

And now, as I write this, I am sick.  First time in the entire pregnancy I've caught that thing that is going around.  Major sore throat.  M has been wicked sick so I guess I was bound to get it.  No fun at all.

Now we're getting down to the final weeks!  At week 32, the baby is 16.75 inches long and 3.75 pounds - like a large jicama.

He is so close to being the size he'll be when he comes out!  So crazy.  He's continuing to fatten up and gain weight, which means I'll gain weight but that's ok.  He needs to be healthy.  That's about all that's going on now.  The end is near!

How I'm feeling: See above.

Pregnancy Notes: 8 more weeks.  Please no more than that.

These posts are getting boring, I know.  I'm too tired to be clever and witty.

Food cravings and notes:   M had his 15 year high school reunion on Saturday night.  The food was just terrible.  It also didn't help that this was the night those Braxton Hicks were raging so I did not enjoy myself at all.

Doctor's Visit: Unscheduled visit due to Braxton Hicks contractions.

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