February 26, 2012

Happy 2 Year Blogiversary

This little homemade kitchen is two years old today.  Time has gone by so quickly.  This little blog that was going to be my journal of kitchen memories, cooking successes, and delicious dishes has grown into something more over the past two years.  And that's ok.  It has now become more of a journal for myself, for my thoughts, and for my life changes and accomplishments.  And I think this is better.

There seems to be trends going on with the topics I am writing about - food or pregnancy - but I anticipate that there will be many other stories to follow as my son is born and begins to grow.  Life is full of beautiful things and this blog will, and has, become the place where I reflect and preserve my thoughts and memories and to share them with all of you.

When this blog started, I did not have many who read it.  Lately, I have attracted more readers and I am thankful for that.  This is a personal place and I was apprehensive at first at starting this blog as it can be extremely vulnerable when your personal thoughts are shared with others.  I was afraid of judgement or ridicule but it has brought neither.  It has brought laughter, enjoyment, and encouragement.  So thank you readers, new and old.  Without you, I would not always have the push I need to sit down and write. 

I lost track of this blog for a little while but now that I am back, I plan to stay.  I have come to understand that it does take time to sit down and write (and try to be clever and witty) but once I do, my thoughts come pouring out and it becomes therapeutic.  At one point, this blog felt like a chore especially when so few were reading so I stopped writing.  I'm glad to be back.

So happy blogiversary!  I hope to continue on for as many more as I can to share and remember my blessings, my missteps, my culinary adventures, and my family's growth.  I will look back on those ramblings and writings and I will smile.

February 24, 2012

21 Weeks

Work. Work. Work.  So much to do. I feel like they are trying to cram in everything they can before I go out on leave.  "Let's see how much we can give her to do before she goes" they are thinking.  I swear.  It's crazy busy.  I feel like work should begin winding down at this point but I just keep getting more and more.  I am getting overwhelmed with everything.  There is just too much going on with work, I am still trying to balance school, and with the impending birth, it's a lot to handle right now.  I do not want to put school on hold but I also don't know how I would juggle school and a newborn.   While I'm on my break from work, I might need to take a break from school too.  Ugh.  I just don't know.

I had to scold the little guy the other day when I was driving home from work.  The little bugger kept kicking me in my bladder and I had to pee!  Every time he kicked, it put so much pressure on my bladder that I had to just say "Stop kicking my bladder, little one!"  Eventually he listened.  Those commutes can be very long sometimes.

Baby at 21 weeks:

Baby is now three quarters of a pound and is 10.5 inches long - about the length of a carrot.

It states that the baby will now start kicking harder and I may start to notice a pattern in his activity and movement.  So far, I haven't.  He moves when he wants to.  There doesn't seem to be any time during the day where he tends to move more.  But he is definitely stronger.  He also now has eyebrows and eye lids! 

That's about it for this week.  It's so funny that during the beginning, there is so much fetal development and now it's just "eh, the baby getting's bigger."

Mommy at 21 weeks:

I just keep growing and growing!  Looking like there's a little more junk in the trunk too.  Eeks.

How I'm feeling:  A lot of sneezing and stuffiness lately.

Expanding belly is giving me panic attacks.  How can it possibly get bigger?  Where can it go?  Is there enough skin?  What is going to happen to all my organs in there?  Will I become top heavy and fall down?  There has got to be a point where it just can't stretch any more.  And I'm only half way there which means I am basically going to double in size.  I don't believe this is possible.

Notable activity changes:
  • I cannot walk as fast as I used to
  • I cannot bend over at the waist as far as I used to
  • I get out of breath much easier
  • I'm beginning to feel my belly resting on my legs when I'm sitting
  • I'm beginning to feel my boobs resting on my belly when I'm sitting

Pregnancy notes: M told me the other day I'm starting to waddle at little. Nice.

My belly now sticks out farther than my boobs.

I wrote an email to a friend the other day and stated that I had 19 weeks left to go.  I had a mild TIA after writing that.  19 weeks sounds so much sooner than 4 and a half months.

It's amazing the reaction you get from some people when they ask you the name you have picked out and you tell them.  Some say "Oh I love it!"  Some are like "Oh, that's nice..."  Here's a tip: Even if you don't like the name, lie through your teeth and say you do.  NOTE: There will be no public declaration or announcement of the name until after he is born so those of you who know, shush!  Please do not post anything anywhere.  Thanks!

Random - it's extremely odd to know there is something alive inside you.  Do you know what that makes me think of?  Remember the scene in the movie "Spaceballs" where the alien rips through that guy's stomach in the diner?  That's where my mind goes when I think about a living being growing in me.
Food cravings and notes:  I saw a co-worker eating a chocolate pudding cup and then I wanted a chocolate pudding cup.  I don't even like pudding.

Doctor's Visit: None.

February 17, 2012

20 Weeks

M and I have started clearing out the room that will be the baby's nursery.  There is a little bit more in there than I thought there was but we're making progress.  I also use the closet in that room for my things so I will need to clear that out as well.  I want to get the room all empty so when the furniture comes in, we can go crazy and get it all set up.  I feel the nesting phase may be kicking in.

It's cute, right?  A little bit country, a little bit sporty.  I wasn't able to get the mobile, rug, wall hangings, or lamp as this theme has been discontinued.  I was sad.

My mother in law, aka Nana, is going to be making some roman-type shades to go under the valances we got.  I'm so excited!  I am so thankful we have such wonderful family to help us out and who can't wait for this little guy to get here.  Blessings are all around.

I thought I would write a little bit about birthing plans and options.  There are home births, water births, natural births, births with midwives, births with doulas, and good old fashioned hospital births.  I am not one of these new age revolutioniz-ed women who find the beauty in birthing at home with no medical attention.  Nor am I or do I need to be "in touch" with my body. There is just too much that could potentially go wrong and frankly, I want the doctors and the drugs.  Start shooting me up as soon as I get there I say.  I don't need to be a martyr nor do I need to be able to say that I did it naturally.  It is my body, my girlie bits, and I want it all medically monitored and numbed the heck up. 

In the end, the baby needs to come out and I want this in the safest way possible (i.e. hopsital with doctors).   My doctor actually asked me at my appointment this week if I was considering an epidural.  I said oh yes.  She put in my record "thinking about epidural."  Ain't no thinking about it, doc.

Some say the drugs affect your baby.  If so, it is really insignificant as babies are born every day with the assistance of epidurals.  Why feel all that pain if you don't need to?  I mean really.  To each their own and this is mine.

So to recap, my complete birthing plan is:

Epidural, as soon as I can get it, preferably while in the wheelchair being taken to my room.  The end.

At 20 weeks, the baby is now 10.5 ounces and 10 inches long - about the length of a banana (baby size now being measured by length).

He is now swallowing more and more and is producing meconium.  As quoted from the website: "...meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery)."

That is disgusting.  That is all.

How I'm feeling:  Oy.  There is stretching.  So much stretching.  Luckily, no stretch  marks (yet)  but I was pretty uncomfortable this week on a few occasions.   No linea nigra (yet) either.  That sucker is just weird.

If I tap or pat my belly, I don't feel it.  But if I scratch it, I feel it.  Is that weird?  Side effect of skin being stretched to the verge of snapping?

And the belly button that is flattening and all but disappearing is very disconcerting.

Pregnancy notes: HALF WAY THERE!! WHOO HOO!

Randomness: Every time I sneeze, that baby has got to get knocked around in there.  I am not a quiet sneezer.

Food cravings and notes: Nothing really this week.  I haven't really known what I've wanted to eat this week.  M brought home ice cream the other day as a surprise and that's always good.

I did, however, eat an obscene amount of Cheez-Its one afternoon.

I also went out to dinner with the girls one night which was fantastic.  We ordered this dessert of fried pound cake sticks with a butterscotch dipping sauce.  Yes, I wrote fried cake.  Oh. My. Word.  Baby D went ballistic in there after eating that.

Doctor's Visit: Four week check up.  Everything and everyone is looking good!  I gained another 3 pounds so that's 13 in total so far.  I'm measuring at 20cm so I'm right on par where I should be and the due date is still July 5.  Baby is at extremely low risk for down syndrome, trisomy 18, or any other genetic problems.  Yay!

February 10, 2012

19 Weeks

We are still in a state of bliss after finding out that we are having a boy.  I was certainly excited about this pregnancy and having a child of our own but since finding out the gender, I am even more excited and absolutely cannot wait to meet this little guy.  I cannot wait to discover his personality, to see his little face, and to kiss all of his little fingers and toes (the only human feet, by the way, that I will EVER put near my mouth).  I just want to hold him in my arms, smell him, and tell him how very much Mommy and Daddy love him.  And we do.  The love for this baby is already immense.  I know he has a lot more growing to do before he will be here and I want him to get healthy and strong.  We have already named him and we call him by name now.  It is just so wonderful to know a little man will be coming in about 21 more weeks.  I talk to him more now; he is certainly letting me know more that he is here.  I can't even begin to express the feelings I have right now.  All the mothers out there know what I mean, I'm sure.

Becoming a mother has always been my biggest dream.  I have said to M before that I was meant to be a mother.  I played with dolls longer than it was probably socially acceptable.  I had real bottles, diaper bags, diapers, blankets.  I truly played as if these dolls were my children.  I have never been career driven.  All I have ever wanted is a family.  M and I are being blessed with the greatest gift that we could ever be given.  This little boy that will be joining our family. We are the luckiest parents by God granting us this precious gift.  How could I ever ask for more now?  My baby, my child.  And it will be the first grandson on either side of the family.  He will certainly be surrounded by mountains of love.  This precious little miracle that M and I will call 'son.'  My heart is full.

We love you to the moon and back already, little one.

This week, the baby is now the size of a large heirloom tomato, about 8.5 ounces and 6 inches long.

The baby's sensory development is happening this week.  The brain is designating areas for taste, smell, hearing, vision, and touch.  So it says that the baby may now be able to hear us talking to him.  Arms and legs are now in proportion with the rest of his body and his hair is starting to grow.  There is also a waxy coating on his skin now to help protect it from the amniotic fluid.   That's probably some of the goo that's on the baby when he comes out.  Eww.  I want the baby cleaned off before he's given to me.

How I'm feeling:  Really good this week.  My hips are starting to ache a little bit and my belly is definitely getting bigger and bigger.

Speaking of bigger things, I've increased by a cup size!  TMI but I don't care.  Yay for pregnancy boobs!

I pee.  A lot.  All day long and all night long.

Pregnancy notes: Baby registries are the devil and it tempts me every day to add more and more.  I rebuke you, baby registry!  Temptation be gone from me!  Heh. I will visit you every day.

I bought my first few little clothing items.  I found two little onesies that say Daddy's Little All Star and Daddy's Number One Sports Fanatic (or something similar).  I had to get those.  M is so excited to have a little buddy to teach about sports.  I also found the cutest little polo shirt and cargo shorts set for next summer when the little guy is a year old.  Again, restraint is the key.  And the nursery bedding arrived.  Love it!  So cute.  Can you guess the theme? 

Food cravings and notes:  I want sweets.  The End.

Doctor's Visit: None.

February 3, 2012

18 Weeks and It's a...

I always thought that once pregnant, I would not find out the gender.  I wanted to be surprised at delivery.  It's one of those great surprises of life, right?

Fast forward about 15 years and here I am, chomping at the bit to find out the gender.  I am really too much of a control freak to not know.  It was torture waiting until I was far enough along in to the pregnancy to find out.  But here it is!  It is still a surprise no matter when you find out.  I actually can't tell who was more impatient about this - me or my mother.  Grammie just about had a stroke waiting these 14 weeks.  My sister in law, mother in law, and cousin were pretty anxious as well, along with most of my friends.  So really, everyone.  Well ladies, the day has come!

I was so worried that the little stinker would not cooperate and hide their bits.  I would have been so upset if we walked out of there without knowing for sure.  But this little love didn't hide a thing.  We got a great view and there was no mistaking - it's a BOY!

We are beyond overjoyed.  M is absolutely over the moon.  He never said anything prior to this appointment but after, he told me he really wanted a boy - a son.  He said he didn't know what he would do with a girl and he couldn't wait to tell the news.  It was one of the best moments of our lives and we shared the same joy.  We're having a son!  We are both almost speechless.  You really do just want your baby to be healthy but there's always a hope on a certain gender and when it meets those hopes, it's a beautiful feeling.  We are having a little boy.  A little boy that will have scrapped up knees, ripped sneakers, and crooked baseball hats.  I can not wait.

I had a very strong feeling that it was a boy.  The dreams I mentioned before were always a boy baby so those came true.  Deep down, I was hoping for a boy too.  It is the first grandson on either side so it's very special.

This baby will not be wanting for love, that's for sure.  Our family and friends have been so excited for us and between all of them and M and I, this is one lucky little boy.  I can't get over saying that - boy, him, son!  I now have a pronoun and can stop using 'it.'  He is perfect, very healthy and growing as he should be.  He is giving his Mama a lot of kicks and was not happy at the end of the ultrasound.  The little guy was so good at the beginning, letting the technician see what she needed to but near to the end, he just about had enough and began hiding and jumping around.  He let out a few strong kicks and let us know he was finished.  I loved every second of it.

We definitely have an athlete here.  Will it be hockey, baseball, football, soccer?  It doesn't matter.  What matters is that we are having a son.  A healthy, beautiful, perfect little boy.

Oh right and what's going on at 18 weeks:

Baby is now the length and weight (7 ounces) of a bell pepper.

Blood vessels are now visible through the skin and ears are in their final position.  And, all private parts have now formed and why we know it's a boy.

It also stated that there are changes in my cardiovascular system and my blood pressure could be lower than normal.  It said to be careful after getting up from lying down because I could get dizzy.  That's no lie.  I got up quick last night from the couch and got all sweaty, heart was pounding, and my head was spinning.  It was little freaky.  Several weeks ago, I almost passed out too.  Whew, tough stuff.

How I'm feeling:  I have felt really good this week.  Occasional bloating and fatigue.  Lots of kicks and punches from the little one but I'd much rather feel it.  I start to get worried now when I don't feel anything for an extended amount of time.  Swim away, little man!

Pregnancy notes: I abhor pacifiers. One of my biggest peeves is seeing a toddler with one of those things stuck in their mouths. I know that they can be very useful but they will not be used in my house.   I don't want any snaggle toothed kid.  The orthodontic work later is just not worth it.

Seriously, the expanding belly is freaking me out. I'm so afraid my skin is going to rip.  I realize the probability of it actually happening is pretty much zero but that doesn't extinguish the thought. Not to be conceited, but I'm a tiny a person. I can't even begin to fathom that my skin will actually stretch as much as it needs to. I actually asked my doctor this question. She kind of laughed at me a little. She just chuckled and said "you'll be fine." This baby has nowhere else to go but straight out in front of me. The profile is going to be shocking in a couple more months.

Weight gain is weird too.  I've had people tell me whoa, slow down there with the weight gain!  Others have said, I had already gained way more than that at 18 weeks.  What's really normal?  I'm half way there almost and have almost gained half the weight I think I should.  That sounds OK to me.

Food cravings and notes:  I wanted Skittles and Oreos this week.  I saw them in a goody basket that was a gift to another office and I wanted to steal them.  I also wanted cake.  My mom got me cake one day at work and it was delicious.  I just went in her office and said "I want cake."  I had no ulterior motive but she went out and found a slice.  Gotta love mom.  I think this baby likes sweets.

Doctor's Visit: Ultrasound and genetic screening.