February 3, 2012

18 Weeks and It's a...

I always thought that once pregnant, I would not find out the gender.  I wanted to be surprised at delivery.  It's one of those great surprises of life, right?

Fast forward about 15 years and here I am, chomping at the bit to find out the gender.  I am really too much of a control freak to not know.  It was torture waiting until I was far enough along in to the pregnancy to find out.  But here it is!  It is still a surprise no matter when you find out.  I actually can't tell who was more impatient about this - me or my mother.  Grammie just about had a stroke waiting these 14 weeks.  My sister in law, mother in law, and cousin were pretty anxious as well, along with most of my friends.  So really, everyone.  Well ladies, the day has come!

I was so worried that the little stinker would not cooperate and hide their bits.  I would have been so upset if we walked out of there without knowing for sure.  But this little love didn't hide a thing.  We got a great view and there was no mistaking - it's a BOY!

We are beyond overjoyed.  M is absolutely over the moon.  He never said anything prior to this appointment but after, he told me he really wanted a boy - a son.  He said he didn't know what he would do with a girl and he couldn't wait to tell the news.  It was one of the best moments of our lives and we shared the same joy.  We're having a son!  We are both almost speechless.  You really do just want your baby to be healthy but there's always a hope on a certain gender and when it meets those hopes, it's a beautiful feeling.  We are having a little boy.  A little boy that will have scrapped up knees, ripped sneakers, and crooked baseball hats.  I can not wait.

I had a very strong feeling that it was a boy.  The dreams I mentioned before were always a boy baby so those came true.  Deep down, I was hoping for a boy too.  It is the first grandson on either side so it's very special.

This baby will not be wanting for love, that's for sure.  Our family and friends have been so excited for us and between all of them and M and I, this is one lucky little boy.  I can't get over saying that - boy, him, son!  I now have a pronoun and can stop using 'it.'  He is perfect, very healthy and growing as he should be.  He is giving his Mama a lot of kicks and was not happy at the end of the ultrasound.  The little guy was so good at the beginning, letting the technician see what she needed to but near to the end, he just about had enough and began hiding and jumping around.  He let out a few strong kicks and let us know he was finished.  I loved every second of it.

We definitely have an athlete here.  Will it be hockey, baseball, football, soccer?  It doesn't matter.  What matters is that we are having a son.  A healthy, beautiful, perfect little boy.

Oh right and what's going on at 18 weeks:

Baby is now the length and weight (7 ounces) of a bell pepper.

Blood vessels are now visible through the skin and ears are in their final position.  And, all private parts have now formed and why we know it's a boy.

It also stated that there are changes in my cardiovascular system and my blood pressure could be lower than normal.  It said to be careful after getting up from lying down because I could get dizzy.  That's no lie.  I got up quick last night from the couch and got all sweaty, heart was pounding, and my head was spinning.  It was little freaky.  Several weeks ago, I almost passed out too.  Whew, tough stuff.

How I'm feeling:  I have felt really good this week.  Occasional bloating and fatigue.  Lots of kicks and punches from the little one but I'd much rather feel it.  I start to get worried now when I don't feel anything for an extended amount of time.  Swim away, little man!

Pregnancy notes: I abhor pacifiers. One of my biggest peeves is seeing a toddler with one of those things stuck in their mouths. I know that they can be very useful but they will not be used in my house.   I don't want any snaggle toothed kid.  The orthodontic work later is just not worth it.

Seriously, the expanding belly is freaking me out. I'm so afraid my skin is going to rip.  I realize the probability of it actually happening is pretty much zero but that doesn't extinguish the thought. Not to be conceited, but I'm a tiny a person. I can't even begin to fathom that my skin will actually stretch as much as it needs to. I actually asked my doctor this question. She kind of laughed at me a little. She just chuckled and said "you'll be fine." This baby has nowhere else to go but straight out in front of me. The profile is going to be shocking in a couple more months.

Weight gain is weird too.  I've had people tell me whoa, slow down there with the weight gain!  Others have said, I had already gained way more than that at 18 weeks.  What's really normal?  I'm half way there almost and have almost gained half the weight I think I should.  That sounds OK to me.

Food cravings and notes:  I wanted Skittles and Oreos this week.  I saw them in a goody basket that was a gift to another office and I wanted to steal them.  I also wanted cake.  My mom got me cake one day at work and it was delicious.  I just went in her office and said "I want cake."  I had no ulterior motive but she went out and found a slice.  Gotta love mom.  I think this baby likes sweets.

Doctor's Visit: Ultrasound and genetic screening.


  1. This little miracle of a child that you will call "son" is blessed to be able to have such wonderful parents. You have waited a long time for this day and God will richly bless you both! Dad and I are so looking forward to welcoming our first grandson and cannot be happier for you both! Now, to plan the shower, buy the clothes, stock the grandparents home with baby things, etc, etc, etc!!!!!

  2. Congrats! Boys are my favorite! Much easier!:D
