About Me

My name is Noelle and I live in the northern suburbs of Boston.  I am happily married and have a furry baby, my dog, Maddux. I work in research administration during the day and am currently back in school to get my bachelors degree.   

When I met my husband seven years ago, I got this strange desire to be in the kitchen.  When we were dating, we cooked dinner together most nights and it was a wonderful time of bonding over food and conversation.  Those are the best memories I have from our courtship and mean more than a dinner out at a restaurant.  When we got married, I looked forward to going home and cooking up a homemade dinner for the two of us to eat together.  Sitting around the kitchen table is home to me.  I grew up with a family dinner on the table every night.  I love the togetherness and sharing over a home cooked meal.  I am pretty obsessed with food magazines and cookbooks.  I have since run out of room in my kitchen for my cookbooks.  I am on the hunt for a small bookshelf to put next to the kitchen table to hold them all.  I always seemed to need a recipe to follow when I first began cooking but now I am a little more daring and can pretty much eyeball the measurements and know what goes well together.

I decided a little while ago to begin a food journal.  I started a hand written one but decided I needed a home to store all of my food notes and recipes.  A friend of mine suggested a blog so here I am!  I hope you enjoy and find a little inspiration to get into the kitchen!  It is a lovely place to be.