December 7, 2012

Christmas List for Baby

Christmas is two and a half weeks away.  The majority of my Christmas shopping is done.  I probably need to get M something else, I still have two of my nieces to buy for (plus one has a birthday right before Christmas), and I probably need to get something extra for baby J.  My folks are done, my grandmother is done, and M's parents, brothers, our sister in law, and our youngest niece are all bought for.  I feel good about that.

As for baby J's gifts - what do you buy a five month old that doesn't really understand toys yet?  Do I bother?  I mean it IS his first Christmas - he has to get something!  Even if Mommy and Daddy have to open it for him and he thinks the wrapping paper is the most amazing thing ever.

As of now, I got him one of those ring stackers, plush blocks, and one of those circle ball but not ball things. But I am so excited for his first Christmas.  It's going to be the best one ever.

Are these good toys for babies?  Any recommendations for a five month old that has no idea what the difference is between a clean diaper and a mini exer-saucer (both equally fun to play with)?

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