January 20, 2012

16 Weeks

I need to stop asking friends and family how their deliveries were.  I know mine will be a unique experience but I like to be informed about all the potential possibilities but then I just get frightened.  One tells you it was wonderful, one tells you it hurt like hell, one tells you that you'll be puking your brains out, one tells you her friend had her baby on the kitchen floor, and another tells you that the drugs didn't work.  OMG!  Stop telling a first time mom these wretched things!

My fault for asking though.

And I may have felt the first baby flutter the other day!  I couldn't be sure though.  Things I've read said I could start to feel it but also that it still might be too soon to feel the baby and of course, I've never felt it before but there was a definite flutter.  Could have been something else though.  Ahem.

My skin is also extremely itchy.  Doesn't matter how much lotion I put on.  I just feel the stretching.

And why in the name of all that is mighty does the cocoa butter lotion have to SMELL SO BAD?

Going on in baby's water cave this week:  Baby is now the size of an avocado!

The legs are longer, the head is more erect, and the eyes are closer to their normal position.  And, there are now toenails!  That's a little bit alarming.  Don't scratch me, little one!

How I'm feeling:  This week, the heartburn and acid reflux seemed to have subsided a little bit which is great.  I am having some soreness in my abdomen which is just the stretching and pulling to make room for the baby.  Itchy skin.  On and off dizziness as well.

Pregnancy notes: Baby stores are dangerous and I could spend hours in them.  I still haven't bought anything for the baby.  Nope, that's a lie.  I did buy a book.  Remember the Biscuit books?  The cute little puppy?  I couldn't resist. 

And I'm starting to crochet a baby blanket.  I hope I finish. 

The bathroom visits are also getting ridiculous.  I would love to sleep through the night. 

And I tried to squeeze myself into non-maternity pants this week.  Big mistake.

And my brain stops working sometimes.  M got my car washed and detailed this weekend.  On Tuesday morning, I was like where are my gloves?  They were in the car.  M was like I don't know.  I was like great they must have gotten thrown away or the car people stole them.  I ended up finding them in my purse.  Oops.

Food cravings and notes: None.  I have been doing a lot of Crock Pot cooking lately.  M got me a new one for Christmas.  The one we had cooked things to a rolling boiling while on the warm setting so there were many a burned dinner.  So awesome to come home to dinner already made.  I made a beef stew the other night and Maddux was going crazy when I got home.  Poor little guy had that smell teasing him all day.  I don't blame him.  It was delicious.

I also had chicken tacos from Chipotle.  I love tacos.  I was also hoping that perhaps the pregnancy would make me like cilantro.  No luck.  Still tastes like fertilized grass.

Doctor's Visit: Check up.  Extremely boring and uneventful.  I have gained 6 more pounds, 10 in total.  That was the biggest news of the appointment.

1 comment:

  1. I had three totally different births - first an induced C-section, second all natural VBAC, and third some bizarre sick drugged VBAC. They are ALL different. Ask me anything- I will try to be direct, un-preachy, and as un-scary as possible! :D
