January 26, 2012

17 Weeks

This past weekend, M and I went out and purchased two new TVs.  That sounds like unnecessary purchases especially with a baby on the way but it's not.  M came into a few unexpected dollars from a previous work position so we didn't have to take any of our savings (aka, baby budget).  Why I'm telling you  this is because we were in the store for 2 hours.  Talk about unnecessary.  The first two TVs we wanted, they didn't have in stock or in their warehouse.  Then finally there was this one they did have in their warehouse and there was only one left.  We said OK, we'll have that delivered.  Then we said no wait, we'll take it home tonight.  The salesgirl asked a sales guy how to switch that around so he showed her.  Then said sales guy walks away after our salesgirl went to the get the TV in stock and he shows up with said TV and GIVES IT TO ANOTHER COUPLE!  Needless to say, we were a little miffed.  End of the story - we're getting the TV delivered which was our original intention but it was still annoying that guy gave the TV to someone else when he clearly knew we were taking it.

Worst part of all - this all happened between 5:30 and 7:30pm and we hadn't eaten yet.  So I was tired, hungry, and hormonal.  Not a good combo for this pregger.  I'm sure I was rocking a crazy bit*# face.

Going on this week:

Baby is now the size and weight (5oz) of a turnip.  Odd vegetable choice.

I like turnips.  M does not.

The baby's skeleton is now turning into bone and the umbilical cord is growing thicker.  Baby's sweat glands are also starting to develop.  So is the baby now sweating in me along with the peeing?

There was also a paragraph on how dreams during pregnancy could be quite vivid.  I am definitely having some crazy dreams.  I remember some, some I don't.  Some I tell people, some should not be repeated.  Nonetheless, I'm dreaming ragtime.  I did dream several times about what gender of baby I'm having.  I won't say yet but it will be very interesting if that dream comes true.  Every time, the baby has been the same gender.  We'll find out next week.  I can barely wait!

How I'm feeling:  Loving the fact that I feel the baby move more and more!  I am beginning to also feel it on my hand when I place it on my belly.  Baby is definitely getting stronger! 

Pregnancy notes: My hair has never been so shiny or grown faster.  I like it.

A couple nights ago, I came home from work and fell asleep on the couch at 5:30pm.  Enough said.

Food cravings and notes: I ate a bunch of grapes this week and the baby went mental.  I had not felt that much movement at one time.  It was pretty amazing.  This could mean either the baby likes grapes or hates grapes.  Either way, the baby will be getting more because Mama likes grapes.

I've noticed that I don't always know what I want to eat but I certainly know what I don't want to eat.  If something is mentioned, I usually have a pretty strong "no" reaction if I don't want it.  But if you ask me what I do want, expect a blank stare.

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