October 17, 2012

How It's Going

It's been about a month since I started back to work and Baby J started day care. I can't believe that amount of time has gone by already but so far, it's going really well. He seems to be doing really well at day care and the staff are wonderful and truly seem to love him! It makes me sad that he is the first one there and the last one to be picked up at the end of the day but it does give him great one on one time with the teacher. She also feeds him his breakfast in the morning so that takes that off my hands. Which is good considering how traffic has been but that's a whole 'nother story that no one wants to hear.

I am doing well too. I am glad to be back to work. In all honesty, which I feel bad saying, it does make it a little easier. I'm not the one who constantly needs to entertain him or feed him. I know that probably sounds horrible but it's just how I'm feeling. But I love, LOVE, the feeling I get when I pick him up at the end of the day and then spend those few precious hours before bed with him. I think it's making me a better mom to have this time away. We've had some great naps with him on my shoulders and the smile I get when I pick him up is worth it. And he gets tired at the end of the day which is great.

However, I do think we are heading into the four month sleep regression. He does great for the first few hours in the night but then wakes and has trouble going back to sleep. We have also weaned him from the swaddling and he didn't much care for that at first. But he's all over his crib now at night. He's facing a different way than when I put him down, or he's on his side, or just kicking like crazy. So, the swaddling had to stop. I can usually get him back to sleep pretty quickly but we have had some nights that were more difficult and did require a bottle which I was trying to avoid. I don't want him to start relying on a middle of the night feeding again. But, when just won't settle, he is just that hungry and who can deny a baby that?
I am starting to get a little concerned about his head as it does have a significant flat spot. Luckily, we go to the doctor's in two weeks for his four month check so hopefully they can give me some tips other than propping his head to the opposite side during monitored naps, lots of tummy time, and repositioning in the crib. I did get him a new toy that he just loves. It's a seat with a toy tray. Look at him! You hit that ladybug mirror, Little Man!

So, all in all, we are all doing really well. I am certainly tired. But what new mother isn't. It's just the name of the game and I'm battling through. On a side note though I do seem to be losing a significant amount of hair. Post baby phenomenon?

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