February 19, 2013

Baby Food

I started introducing Jackson to solid foods about a week before he turned four months old.  Some may say that was too early but for us, it worked and it was time.  I was starting to notice that the bottles weren't cutting it, he still seemed hungry, and he was watching M and I eat.  So I did what any mother would do, I asked my Facebook friends if it was okay to start him on foods.  All my amazing mommy friends said absolutely!  We all need to come to realize that our babies are unique, we know them best, and we need to do what is right for them.

Food coma.

So I started with the oatmeal.  Again, some say to start with the rice cereal because it it even less likely to cause a reaction but again, all the mommies I talked to said to start with the oatmeal so that's what I did.  J took to it very quickly.  We were on our way from that point on.

We moved onto the stage one foods and I introduced everything I could.  I gave him something, waited a few days, tried something else, and so forth.  He ate everything I gave him except bananas.  Oh well, minor hiccup.  His favorites were sweet potatoes, carrots, and peaches.

J is now on stage two foods and loves them all.  He will eat the single foods and the combinations.  He WILL NOT eat the meats but they are really dog food so that's fine.  He will eat the vegetable and meat combo ones so that's how I get the extra iron and protein from the meats in him.  They will make him big and strong!

He also eats yogurt.  I was completely unaware that they could have yogurt until the doctor told me to start giving it to him while at his six month appointment.  So he eats baby yogurt and loves it.  I was afraid it would give him tummy troubles but it's been just fine.

I like to read other mother's samples of their feeding schedules and found many on other blogs and websites.  I finally got a good one going with J and here is a typical day:

When he wakes (or at 6:30am on a school day; whenever he wakes on the weekends): 6-8oz bottle

9/9:30am - 2-3 tbsp oatmeal mixed with formula
                  Jar of fruit

(There might be some bottle somewhere around 11 but he's usually napping)

12/12:30pm - 2-3 tbsp oatmeal mixed with formula or
                       a yogurt 
                       Jar of fruit or vegetable

3/3:30pm - 6-8oz bottle

5:30/6pm - 2-3 tbsp oatmeal
                  Jar of vegetable/vegetable meat blend or what M and I are having, blended

7:30pm - 5-8oz bottle

He's not on a complete napping schedule but I try to put him down around 10am and then again around 1:30/2.  He may have another quick nap around 4 or 4:30.  At day care, he just sleeps whenever but it actually works out around these times.  And they last anywhere from a half hour to two hours.  I've said before, he sleeps all night so I don't care what he does during the day for naps.

I've also tried the baby puffs but he doesn't get it.  He plays with them and picks them up but doesn't understand that it is food and it goes in his mouth.  They just stick to his hand or fall on the floor. 

The doctor also said I could start a sippy cup.  Also a fail.  He's just not ready.  We'll try again soon.  But oh does he love his bottles.  He sees it and starts kicking and squealing and opening his mouth before it's even near him.  He's not yet holding it on his own but if someone else is doing it for you, why bother?

I have also tried pureeing up things that M and I have at dinner.  I did some carrots, some vegetable beef soup, and some mashed potatoes.  He wasn't really feeling it and I don't know why.  He took more to the mashed potatoes but didn't eat a whole lot.  It also concerns me.  Because let me be clear folks - I DO NOT WANT A PICKY EATER.  I know that I will introduce all sorts of different foods to J as early as I can because I want him to be exposed to all the wonderful foods and flavors out there.  I do not want him to have the limited "kid's" palatte.  I would like him to be a food lover and want him to try things at least once.  I believe parents are the largest contributors to picky eaters.  They say to their child oh you won't like that or no to when their child asks to try something because the parent thinks the child won't like it.  Well how do you know?  If a child is willing and desires to try something, let them!

I am also of the belief that my son will eat what M and I do at dinner.  If he doesn't like it, he can have cereal or a sandwich.  I do not believe in making two or more dinners just so the child gets something they like.  I realize things may change but this one I really want to stick to.

Starting solid foods is exciting, stressful, and nerve wracking at the same time.  So many new flavors.  It must be amazing.  I wish I could remember trying things for the first time at his age.  It's stressful too because you don't know if he'll like it and it makes you nervous because what if they choke??  I have yet to take an infant CPR class.  Oops.

We will continue on with the routine we have going and I will continue to blend up some things M and I are eating for dinner.  Hopefully he'll start to like them more.  He is still very young and has a long way to go in his culinary journey through life.  I hope he takes a big bite and eats it up.

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