July 8, 2012

Never Made It to 40 Weeks

Well folks, I never made it to 40 weeks.  The little guy decided to come three days early which was perfectly fine with me.  If anyone is interested, the 40 week vegetable was a small pumpkin.  Eeeks.  Glad he came early.

I am sitting down while I have a few quiet minutes while the baby is sleeping but thought I would share the story of his arrival.

About four days before his arrival, I was at work and had a feeling that I might not be back so I packed up my personal things.  The night I went into labor, I said to M as we were falling asleep that something felt different and I was feeling anxious.  That night, I woke up at 1am with the first contractions.  I was able to fall back asleep until about 3am when the contractions got stronger.  They were still about 10-15 minutes apart so I got up and walked around the house.  M woke up around 5am and was like should I go to work?  I was like I don't know.  I think this is the real thing.  About an hour later, the contractions were coming about five minutes apart and I decided that I would call my doctor when the office opened at 8am.  As an aside, we had an ultrasound scheduled in Boston at 10:30am to check my fluid levels as they were low and we were told to pack the car before this appointment in case they said go across the street to the hospital.

At 8am, I called my doctor's office and they said come in right now.  M and I went, the NP checked me and said oh yes, you are in labor.  Go to the hospital.  So off we went.

At this point, I was in significant pain and it was all in my back.  The ride through the bumpy roads of Boston were excruciating. I tried to lift myself off the seat with one hand while holding the handle above the car door.  It was extremely painful.

We arrive to the hospital, check in, and sit and wait to be called by my labor and delivery nurse.  She was wonderful and set me all up in my room with my IVs (which resulted in quite the bleeder) and was with me through the beginning of labor until her shift ended.  She was also there for the epidural.  Which folks, is magic.  While it lasts, mind you.

I labored until about 7:30pm when I began to feel some of the contractions and asked my new nurse if I could have another dose.  She said sure but the doctor wants to check you first.  The doctor that had been there all day came in and checked me and said oh, we're ready!  You're at 10cm so we're going to start pushing so no more epidural meds because we need you to be able to feel some of the pushing.  I was like Ok, I got this.  I'll get the kid out in 30 mins.  Unfortunately, the doctor that had been with me all day had to leave as her shift ended at 8pm so she got me through the first few pushes and another doctor took over.  She was also wonderful.  Side note: Teaching hospitals are wonderful but when you have random people walking into your room while you're mid pushing is disturbing.  Especially when the door is located at the left of the foot of the bed so they walk in and boom, full frontal.

Anyway, the nurse, doctor, and a fourth year student got me through the labor.  And it was labor let me tell you.  I pushed for an hour and a half (if not more) and the epidural slowly wore off during this time.  The last half hour was agony.  I felt every contraction, push, pressure, and felt the entire baby leave my body.  The contractions came one right after the other and I would just start pushing on my own when I felt it because I just wanted the baby out.  The doctor kept saying next one, next one!  Except that it wasn't.  I kept watching the clock at the foot of my bed hoping I wouldn't see another minute pass.

But finally, at 9:22pm on July 2, 2012, my son was on my chest.  And he was beautiful.  The doctors took care of the rest of the business and M held our boy until the doctor's were done with me and I could sit up.  The first time he was in my arms was the best moment of my life and one I will never forget.  I won't forget the pain either even though everyone says I will.  It was worth it, but I won't forget.

He is perfect and we're figuring things out.  M has been a DREAM.  He's been cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, running errands for me getting super awesome stuff that I need for certain areas, feeding the baby, changing the baby, holding the baby, and just being the best Dad ever.  We're both so infatuated with him and could look at him all day.  I know I'm biased, but he is the cutest little thing ever. 

Jackson Connor
July 2, 2012
9:22 pm
6lbs 12oz
19.25 inches

I don't know how often I'll be checking in here but I hope to when I can.  The guy is fussing so time go!

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