April 6, 2012

27 Weeks

This week, I was having a hard time figuring out what to write about.  I feel like I've covered most things and not too much happened this week in terms of baby news.  I did order the crib mattress and that arrived so I can get his crib all set up and sheets put on so I'm pretty excited about that.  I also received another portion of a baby gift.  My friend who purchased the bath tub also got me wash cloths and the Snuggle Puppy book!  I was so excited.

Also this week, my 87 year old grandmother was in a car accident and sustained some injuries and was in the hospital for several days so that was extremely stressful.  At the time of this post, she is still in the hospital and under going some tests but hopefully she'll be home in the next day or so.  Her doctor did tell her that she won't be making the Easter church service Sunday morning and that did not go over too well with her.  But she needs to rest.  The Lord will understand and she can still worship and reflect in her own home.  We all need her to get better.  She's the matriarch of the family afterall. 

She did tell me that the accident occurred on her way home from Target after picking up a baby shower gift for me and M.  Heh.

This week at work has also been insane and the entire month of April pretty much will be like that.  Mama's tired.

I guess had a little more to write about than I thought.  Not really baby related but believe it or not, there are other things going on in my life though sometimes it does seems it's all about baby.

This is the last week of my second trimester!  Whoa!  That's crazy.  I can't believe I'm entering the home stretch.  But I am getting so ready to get this little baby into my arms.

This week, the baby is 14.5 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds - about the size of a head of cauliflower.


Looks like we're getting back into the vegetables and fruit that are actually rounder instead of going by length.  Pretty cool.  Last week at work, my mother left a hothouse cucumber on my desk.  Those really are kind of long.  Good thing the baby is all curled up in there (for the most part).

This week it says the baby is awake and sleeping on and off (although I think he's awake more than he's sleeping), he's opening his eyes, and he could even be sucking his fingers now.  The baby now looks exactly like he's going to, just extremely tiny.  But he's fully formed!  Lungs are still developing along with his brain.

It then goes on to talk about all the lovely things that I will be feeling now.  Like aches and pains, leg cramps, and dizziness due to increased pressure on blood vessels.  I have felt a little dizzy on and off lately.  I'm glad the final countdown is beginning!

How I'm feeling: I am beyond exhausted.  This week, it's all hit me again.  I just want to sleep all the time.  I guess that's how it's going to be for this last trimester.  On Sunday afternoon, I just layed on the couch in an all out stupor for two hours and it was glorious.

I'm starving.  Literally all the time.  And then I eat and get full wicked fast and then I'm hungry again like a half hour later.

He moves constantly.  There are very few times during the day where he's idle.  He goes and goes and sometimes it hurts.

Pregnancy Notes: Baby brain moment - I was making brownies.  I stirred them all up, put them in the pan, and went to put them in oven when I noticed the 1/3cup oil still sitting on the counter.  Phooey.  So I poured the oil in the batter while in the brownie pan and tried to stir it as best as I could.  They were strange but edible.

I was also talking to M one night about a project I am doing at work (note busy work above) and I was mid-sentence and could not for the life of me think of the word I needed so I just stopped talking.  M was like, is this the word you are looking for?  And I was like YES!  You know what the word was?  Announce.  I was talking about a meeting and that the project was going to be announced.  It only gets worse, I'm sure.

Food cravings and notes: McDonald's M&M McFlurry is my obsession.

Doctor's Visit: None.

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