April 20, 2012

29 Weeks

At the beginning of this pregnancy, I thought the first trimester would never end and the time just dragged.  Now look.  I am at 29 weeks with less than 3 months to go.  The time really has flown by even when some days or weeks did feel like they were creeping by.

I am getting more excited and getting more nervous.  Since it's my first baby, labor and delivery is all new to me and I'm getting anxious.  But I also know that when it happens, it means I get to see my baby and that I will no longer be pregnant.

It's funny, people ask you with a sort of trepidation whether or not you're enjoying being pregnant.  I think depending on how you react dictates the continuing response from the person asking.  I have had several people ask and I am honest and have said that I don't really enjoy it all that much.  Once that it is said, they have all said "Oh me either!  I hated being pregnant!" or "I did not enjoy it at all" or "I loved labor and delivery because it meant it was over soon."  I really have yet to meet someone who truly loved being pregnant.  And for those of you who did, please tell me your secret.  You got something I don't.

It is an amazing thing and to feel him move is quite extraordinary.  It's just the complete lack of control over your body, the aches and pains, the fatigue, and all the extra weight I have to lug around now.  It's getting more and more difficult and I am getting really ready for it all to be over.

I washed all the baby clothes we have and put them all away as well.  Things are really coming together and just waiting for the little guy to be here.  Nana also finished one of the shades for the nursery and came by and hung it.  It looks so beautiful!

I just want to meet my little boy.

Baby D is now 15 inches long and just over 2.5 pounds - like a butternut squash.

This vegetable looks a little disturbing.  It's very pointy.  Luckily, it's a weight comparison and not a size or shape comparison.  Ouch.

His lungs and muscles are getting stronger and his head is getting bigger to make room for his growing brain.  He needs more nutrients now like calcium, Vitamin C, protein, iron, and folic acid.  His bones really need the calcium so bring on the ice cream! 

It states I should also start counting his kicks.  Sometimes it is so frequent and sometimes there's not much movement.  I've discovered that he does not seem to be a morning person.  He doesn't move so much when I first get up.  He starts getting fidgety around 8am or so. 

How I'm feeling: The weight pulling down from my belly is extremely uncomfortable.  I am starting to get sore at the top of my belly where it is just being stretched.  The baby is sitting sort of low so it just pulls when I stand or walk.

Backache.  The end.

Pregnancy Notes: The lady checking receipts when leaving Costco patted my belly and asked when I was due.  Lady, I don't know you.  Would you touch my butt?  Just because this belly is leading my way out the door, it is not an invitation to touch me.  Want me to pat your belly?  Friends and family are permitted to touch, strangers are not.

Food cravings and notes: Chocolate cake.  Mmm, delicious chocolate cake.  Now that I know I don't have gestational diabetes, I think it's free range on all the sugar I want.  And I don't care. 

Doctor's Visit: None.

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