March 9, 2012

23 Weeks

Child care searching is hard.  It is so difficult to think about leaving your child with someone you don't know.  And then there's also the cost.  Let me tell you about that.

We have contacted several in-home day cares and several centers.  The in-homes are much more affordable than the centers so this is probably the way we will go.  The only thing is the one's I've contacted already say they won't have space in September.  Boo.  But back to the centers.  Not surprisingly, most do not put their rates on their websites.  They want you to call them, tour them, and get sucked into all the pretty things that happen at their facilities.  All I wanted was the price.  When I finally got it after this whole schpeel, I almost laughed in their faces.  No joke, the cost is more than my mortgage for some.  For what?  It's infant care.  How much do you really have to do?  Slap a clean diaper on it's bum a couple times a day, feed it, hold it, and watch it sleep and call it a day.  Maybe there's some vomit clean up somewhere between all of that but really?  You need to bankrupt people for that?  I can do it for free and just as well.

I have taken advantage of the people over in the Work-Life Center at my work and they've started conducting a search for me too.  They'll make phone calls, check availability, prices, and give me license records and complaint histories.  Nice to have someone else doing all this for me.  They found me several more and I have contacted all of them to set up tours.  Hopefully we'll be able to find one that fits our needs and our budget.

My little sports star is now just over a pound and just over 11 inches long - about the size of a large mango.

The baby can now feel my movements more and I can start seeing his movements through my belly.  Which I have!  It's a little freaky and sometimes his little foot is sticking out and that's just weird looking.  Blood vessels in the lungs are developing to prepare for breathing and baby can hear even better now.  That means Maddux's barks shouldn't startle him once he's here.  There will be plenty of him getting used to that since the dog barks quite often.

It also says I could start to see swelling in my feet, ankles, and hands.  Knock on wood, none of that.  My wedding rings still fit perfectly and I can I take them on and off very easily.

How I'm feeling: A little scare at the beginning of the week but we're good.  Some pain though which I'm going to need to pretty much just deal with until he's born.

His feet are down really low in my abdomen and he's pushing on my bladder.  I can feel his feet when I push on the lower portion of my belly and sometimes he'll move them for a little bit but he's starting to make me sore.  He's a stubborn one and clearly just found a comfy spot and doesn't want to move.  Going to be like his Daddy.  Just what I need, two of them.  Really, I'm one lucky lady with the men in my life - Maddux included.

I also think that the Braxton Hicks contractions have started.  I am having tightening and pain in my lower abdomen every so often but they go away pretty quickly.

Pregnancy notes: My belly is starting to do that heinous jiggle when I laugh.

Sometimes I think I can hear him kick.  No?  Just me?  Okay.

We ordered the nursery furniture and it's already being shipped!  There is a crib, bureau, and dresser/changer combo.  It's beautiful and I can't wait for it to arrive.  M and I are taking next week off and we are going to set it all up (and visit the aforementioned day cares if we can).  We also ordered the glider too.  I feel like nesting!

Randomness - I do not understand nude pregnancy photos.  No one wants to see that.  I don't even want to see myself in the mirror let alone have a permanent photo made.  And then to share it publicly.  Eww.

Me trying to put my socks on is a sight to be seen.

Food cravings and notes: M's birthday was this past week and we had cheesecake. Enough said.

Doctor's Visit: Unscheduled visit at the beginning of the week due to abdominal pain and a small lump.  They did check me for preterm labor but my cervix is still closed up tight so that is very good (TMI, I know).  Me and baby are okay.  I did have another ultrasound so I got to see the little guy again.  Both mommy and baby are measuring perfectly.  And, he's still a boy.

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