February 8, 2011

Smashed Potatoes with Lemon and Parsley

I am about ready to ditch New England for warmer climates.  This winter has just been too much.  Even today, right now, it's snowing again.  We probably got about another few inches. 

Hey winter, I'm waving my white flag.  Do you see it?  I surrender.

This weather really is a mood killer.  I have definitely not been myself lately as M can attest.  It is amazing how the weather can affect your mood.  I haven't felt like doing anything except read a book under a blanket with a hot cup of tea.  Cooking has been the same.  I am still doing it, I'm just not excited about it.  I'm cooking dinner every night because I have to.  I need to get my mojo back.

I don't even remember when I made these potatoes; it was several weeks ago.  They were so delicious.  M and I were watching an episode of Giada at Home and she made these potatoes.   M just said "I want those."  I agreed.  So we made them that night.

They were really delicious.  Super Chef Jacques Pepin first developed this technique to cook potatoes and it was genius.  You smash some boiled potatoes to flatten them with your hand just until they crack and then stick them in a hot pan and let them get all crispy. Seriously, genius. 

Giada kicked it up a little bit with a tangy, citrusy dressing where you toss them with some lemon juice and parsley and voila!  A super different, super delicious side dish.  I am definitely going to play around with the dressing ingredients.

Smashed Potatoes with Lemon and Parsley
Adapted from Giada de Laurentis

1-2 lbs baby red potatoes
1/4 cup olive oil
2 garlic cloves, sliced
zest of one lemon
juice of one lemon
2 tbsp olive oil
handful of fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped
salt and pepper

Wash your potatoes but leave the skins on.  In a large pot, bring the potatoes to a boil.  Cook until the potatoes are fork tender, about 20-25 minutes after they come to a boil.

Drain the potatoes and let them dry and cool for about 5 minutes.

Heat the 1/4 cup olive oil over medium heat.  Add the sliced garlic cloves to infuse the oil.  With the palm of your hand, smash the potatoes so that they flatten but still maintain their circular shape and crack at the edges.  Place the potatoes in the pan with the oil.  Cook for about 7-8 minutes until the skin turns crispy.  Flip the potatoes over and cook on the other side until crispy.

While the potatoes are cooking, whisk together the lemon zest, lemon juice, olive oil and parsley.

Once the potatoes are done, place in a bowl and toss with the dressing.  Season with salt and pepper.  Serve immediately.

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