February 26, 2010

Welcome to A Homemade Kitchen

I am a home cook, nothing more. I enjoy slapping on an apron and getting my hands dirty in the kitchen. I love the color of food, the smells they emit as they roast in the oven or slowly ripen, and the comfort they bring to the soul. My kitchen is a place of relaxation and joy. I like to try my hands out at a new recipe and love the joy I get when it is actually a success.

In the introduction to James Beard's American Cookery cookbook he writes, "Not all of our food history is set down in cookbooks." While he is referring to the traditions in American cooking, I think this is also true for the home cook. Our lives are not written in books with instructions to follow but it grows with experiences, emotions, and memories. Food is the connection between them all. It is a memory of the family dinner table, the joys of a success in the oven, or the delight in tasting a sweet strawberry on a hot summer day. These times in our lives are not written down but they are shaped in our kitchens, our family table, and our friend's homes. A hand written, splatter stained recipe card is a treasure because it represents those moments of family, happiness, and comfort.

There is no better place to bring a family together than at the kitchen table. Growing up, there was a family dinner every night, no matter what. It may not have always been fancy but it was important. It was a time of reflection and togetherness. It is a memory I hold dear and a tradition that I will bring to my family when we are blessed with children. I wanted a place to record my thoughts and feelings in a journal related to my experiences with food. This is why I have started this blog, A Homemade Kitchen. The thought of starting a blog scared me a little; I am not a writer. I am jumping onto the blog bandwagon very late but it is more for me. I want a place to write my feelings, thoughts, and recipes. A friend suggested that I start a blog and at first, I scoffed at the idea. Me, a blogger? Just too ridiculous for me to comprehend. And, I'm not a photographer. Would readers expect pictures? Of course they would! We eat with our eyes first, right? But the more I thought about it and continued a hand written journal, it became clear that the best action would be to start a blog and keep a permanent record of my food journaling. Cookbooks, recipes and food make me happy. I think I'll share that with you and I hope you enjoy and find some inspiration to make a homemade kitchen of your own.

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