March 11, 2013

I'm Scared

J has begun sprouting teeth!  This means more food to start trying.  We can move into puffs, Cheerios, and other delectable tasties.  It's so exciting.  But it terrifies me beyond belief.

My biggest irrational (or is it??) mom fear to date is choking.  I think about him eating finger foods and I almost can't breathe.  I am petrified beyond words of him choking and me not being able to help him.

I have not had any stronger fears to this point.  I do not fear him bumping his head, or falling off the couch, or cutting his knee.  I don't even fear SIDS.  I did have a crazy apprehension to his soft spot when he was a newborn to the point I even dubbed it the "Kill Spot."  But this fear of choking is paralyzing.  I'm scared.

I broke up a puff last night into teeny tiny pieces.  I put them in his mouth.  He spit them out and I tried again.  He gummed a few and ate them.  Success!  Then the last bite, he gagged about five times and I freaked out that he was choking and said OK!  We're done.  No more.

I need help.

Moms - How can I get past this and not want to feed him mush for the rest of his life?  I know I can't and I won't.  But it's all just too scary!  Talk me down.

1 comment:

  1. Start slow and build on it. Have you ever chocked on a ripe banana? Masked carrot bits? DOn't jump right to Cheerios. Those made for baby bitsies dissolve on your tongue as fast as astronaut ice cream. Breath. He will be fine.
