June 22, 2012

38 Weeks

Really?  I'm still here and pregnant?  I thought maybe this weekly pregnancy installment of the blog was ending.  Nope.

I was so hoping I would go into labor over the weekend.  Or during the week.  I was walking a ton, doing squats, eating pineapple, anything I could to try and get labor really going.

I'm getting really annoyed with the Braxton Hicks contractions.  Everyone so often one gets me good and I think "This is it!" and then nothing.  No more.  Nothing stays consistent.

And then I'm like "Come on, water, break!"  Nothing is listening.

And M says "I want the baby here now.  Can you have him?"  I was like "If it were that easy, he would have been here last week!"


And then the icing on the cake was the evening I did have contractions that were 6-8 minutes apart.  I actually wasn't even going to call the doctor but M was like just call.  So I did.  I figured they would just say rest, drink water, and keep monitoring them because they really weren't that painful (at least in my opinion).  But they said go to the hospital.  So off we went into Boston.  Once at the hospital, they check me in and I wait to be called.  Once called, I go into the triage room and they hook me up to the monitors.  I was definitely contracting so the nurse said with the heat, I want to make sure you're not dehydrated so drink this.  I am not lying, biggest cup of water ever.  M was like yeah right, she can't drink that.  But I do.  The nurse comes back and checks me and I was still at 1.5cm and 50% effaced as I was last week but I was still contracting.  She goes you're going to hate me but I want you to drink another cup of water.  I was like huh??  Can I pee??  She was like oh of course.  Anyway, I drink another cup of water and she comes back.  I'm still contracting and she checks me again and says nothing has changed.  Over the course of 3 hours or so the contractions did nothing to change my cervix so she says we're going to send you home.  I was like really??  I was so disappointed.  I wanted so badly to be in labor and felt so frustrated that we had to go through all of this.  I know most mothers have these false alarms but I was hoping I wouldn't.  At least we know where we need to go and what we need to do.

But it just blows.  And to top that off even more, there was really bad traffic on 93 coming home and remember I drank two huge cups of water.  You can imagine my utter agony of contractions, baby kicking, and intense need to pee.  It was not a fun night.  Hopefully the next time we're at the hospital, it's for real.

The kid is playing with our emotions.

Ok enough lamenting.  I really just need to get out of my own head and relax for however much longer I'm pregnant.

Soon enough I will see his precious face and kiss his little baby toes!  Until then, it's more walking and then I'm going to go for another walk, and then I'm going for a walk.

Here we are at 38 weeks.

It says baby is about 6.8 lbs (mine is smaller) and about 19.5 inches long - like a long leek.

Organs have matured and he's ready to be outside the womb.  You hear that, baby boy?  Don't you want to come out?  Now it's just a continued waiting game for me.  Have I mentioned I don't like waiting or not knowing when things are going to happen? 

How I'm feeling: Heavy.




Pregnancy Notes:  Why am I still here??  Pregnancy is no fun at the end.  Seriously.  First trimester sucks.  Second trimester is great.  Third trimester sucks an even bigger one.  Come on labor!  I'm ready for you!

What if my water breaks while in the shower and I don't realize it?

As it is winding down, I am a little sad that I will no longer feel his kicks inside me.  But mostly, I am grateful for the healthy pregnancy I have had.  I truly have been blessed as there could have been many trials but I was lucky and had none.  God was watching over me and my little boy.

Food cravings and notes:  Who cares.  I just want what I haven't been able to have these past nine months.

Doctor's Visit: Check-up today.  I am still at 1.5cm (boo) and -1 station but am now 75% effaced.  Which is good but I need to dilate more!

PS- Happy Birthday to my Mom aka Grammie!

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