June 1, 2012

35 Weeks

It's getting so close!  I am so ready and so freaked out!  I am definitely starting to feel like he's dropping and my body is preparing.  Pelvic pressure is getting strong.  I was walking the dog over the weekend and I swear the baby was trying to get out.  I feel like my hips are expanding and stretching too.  I told this to M and he was like, can you please pack your bag now?  I think he's getting anxious too!  I actually have made a list with the things I need to bring.  If I don't, I'd forget something important like underwear.

I took apart the second diaper cake we received for our baby shower and it seems we have plenty of diapers.  You would think we have more than enough but I know that is just a facade.  We'll burn through them pretty quickly.  We also have several cloth diapers that we will also use but we have a ton of disposables and we will certainly not be wasting those.

My work also threw me a baby shower this week.  It was so sweet.  And slightly awkward but still lots of fun.  So many more gifts for the little guy and more homemade cupcakes which you can never go wrong with.  Here are some pictures:

A sock tree!  And cupcakes.  There were lemon, chocolate with butter cream, and chocolate peanut butter cup ones.  Oh goodness.

Clothesline of adorable outfits and many gifts!  Such generosity in my co-workers.

An adorable handmade knitted strawberry hat.

The coziest looking winter coverup ever.  I would crawl into it myself if I could fit.  (And I apologize for the crazy face I'm making).

So again, we are extremely blessed and my work family certainly out did themselves.  M was even astonished by the amount of gifts we received.  Everyone loves a new baby it seems!

I've made it to 35 weeks.  Phew.  Baby is now 18 inches long and about 5.25 pounds - like a honeydew melon.

Baby is now officially running out of room.  It says he will no longer be able to do somersaults or flip over but kicks should stay the same.  I don't think he's liking his home in there anymore.  The stretching and kicking is becoming more painful.  He's still plumping up too.

How I'm feeling: My groin hurts.  I'm sure that is in preparation of the watermelon that will be squeezing through in a couple of weeks.

My belly rests significantly on my lap when sitting as you can see in the above photo.  I do not like the way it feels.

Still having braxton hicks.

Nighttime routine: Go to bed.  Sleep for about an hour or an hour and a half.  Get up and pee.  Get back in bed.  Repeat for the entire night. 
Pregnancy Notes:  Still no swelling or stretch marks.  I've been told I could still get the stretch marks.  We shall see.

I was able to cut my toenails by myself!  Shaving my legs is an issue though.

Food cravings and notes:   M and I went out to lunch and I had a Roasted Chicken and Arugula Pesto flatbread pizza and it was delicious.

I hadn't had grapes in a while and forgot just how much baby likes them.  I had fruit salad at the office shower and he went bananas for the rest of the afternoon.

Doctor's Visit:  Check-up.  I will now be going weekly until delivery.

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