April 13, 2012

28 Weeks

It all just got more real this week!  The nursery is almost all done!  There are a few more decorations I would like to get and the changing table/dresser is just holding some stuff right now that I need to find another home for but here are some pictures to start. 

World Premiere of Baby D's crib:

I cannot WAIT to get this little guy in here.

Mama will be spending a lot of time in this glider rocking this guy asleep and feeding him.  The blanket on the back is the one I made for him too.  The Bruins jersey on the wall is from M's best friend.  I can't wait to get that on the little guy.

I still have to organize the changer and hang the curtains.  Final showing at a later date.  But it's all coming together.  I love to just walk in there and say "hi baby's room!"  About 12 more weeks and he'll be here.  It just makes me smile.

This week I also had my 28th week check up which also included the gestational diabetes/glucose count screening.  The doctor's office told me to show up about 15 minutes early so I could drink the stuff, which by the way, wasn't too bad but it wasn't good either.  So I showed up early and went to the lab to get the drink and the lab wasn't open yet.  It didn't open until 8am and my doctor's appointment was at 8am.  So I went to the doctor's office, luckily they are in the same building, and checked in and waited to be called.  Once 8am rolled around, I told the receptionist that I was going to go back to the lab to get the drink.  I go to the lab, check in and tell the lady what I need.  She pours the drink in a cup and then says "Oh, we don't have an order for this test.  We can't give it to you."  So back I go to the doctor's office and tell them they don't have the order.  The nurse puts the order in and I go back.  I'm told I have five minutes to drink it.  I down it in three gulps.  Why prolong that?  It tasted like super sweet, semi flat orange soda.  First gulp was OK, second was a little worse, the third made me shudder.  Then I went back to the doctor's and had my check up with her.

After, I still had a half an hour before they could even take my blood so I sat and waited.  There was another woman who had to do the 3 hour glucose screening and she had a bigger drink and she was like "I have to drink ALL of that in five minutes?!"  And there was another woman doing the same test as me.  She was given the drink while I was getting my blood drawn and as I was walking out, she stood up abruptly and said "I think I'm going to be sick!"  I was like, I'm outta here!

Anyway, long story short, I don't have abnormal glucose levels so no 3 hour test for me!  I was very excited.  No anemia either. 

So, to this week.  Baby is about 14.8 inches long and weighs about 2.25 pounds - like a Chinese cabbage.

He can now blink his eyes, has eyelashes, and could now sense light.  He is also chunking up some more and getting more baby fat.

It says for me, that I will probably gain about 11 more pounds this trimester.  I am kind of hoping this is not true.  I've already gained 21.  I realize I needed to gain weight anyway prior to the pregnancy but these extra 21 pounds are already wearing me down.  It's a lot for me to carry.  It also says I might begin feeling restless leg syndrome and leg cramps while sleeping.  I am starting to feel these things.  I'm glad the countdown is on.

How I'm feeling: I'm mostly just tired and my body is feeling the stress of the extra weight.  I don't know how I don't fall over now with this belly in front of me.

Pregnancy Notes: I think the time has come to start getting pedicures.  Trying to reach my feet is becoming impossible.

Shaving my legs is also becoming tricky in the shower.

Food cravings and notes: I might have had a crazy, irrational, hormonal moment.  M and I were driving back from the Bruins game last weekend and we were hungry.  M asked what I wanted and this is never a good question for me right now because I don't usually always know.  I said I wish there was a greasy spoon diner somewhere nearby.  I could have a burger or grilled cheese and a plate of fries.  There is nothing around that would offer that.  So we went to the grocery store.  M was like we can make burgers.  I was like well, I've already had red meat twice this week, I should probably get chicken.  So we got chicken, rolls, and frozen french fries and left the store.  Then I said I wish Burton's was closer.  I could go for one of their burgers.  M was like seriously?  We just bought this food?  Is that what you want?  I was like I don't know.  He was like if that's what you want, I can get one of their tuna burgers.  I was like I don't know.  I was being really indecisive and M was getting annoyed.  Long story short, M went there and got us take out.  The burger was delicious.  And I am the crazy pregnant lady.  We ate the chicken the next day.

Doctor's Visit: 28 week check up and gestational diabetes screening.  Everything is still good.

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