March 15, 2012

24 Weeks

M and I took this week off from work to get some things ready for the baby.  We got the glider and put it together and cleared out the rest of the room that will be his nursery.  Still waiting on the furniture - hopefully soon.  And hopefully it won't be too difficult to put together.

And look at the most adorable outfit I have ever seen in my entire life:

I saw it in the store, picked up, gasped loudly, and held it up to M.  We both had to have it.  He is going to be such a little gentleman!

We also visited day cares which was very informative.  Our first stop was the local KinderCare in town.  We were actually pretty impressed and would feel comfortable sending our baby there.  I have heard that staff turn around can be high at KinderCare and of course, this was the ONE question I forgot to ask.  But I emailed the Director the next day with the question and one infant teacher has been there for three years and the other one has been there for eight years.  That was good news.  M thought to ask about what happens if there's an "incident" (his exact word).  Looking out and protecting the little guy already.  I did like the teacher we met today in the infant room and the Director and Assistant Director of the Center were both extremely pleasant and helpful.  We liked how all the different age groups were in separate rooms and they would give us a report at the end of every day with nap times, feeding times, and diaper contents.  These are things I want to know.  Yes, I want the 411 on his daily poo.  And those entering the baby room wore booties over their shoes and every child is assigned their own crib that no other child would go in.  We also like that very much.  I am curious though - to any of my readers out there, have you had any experience with KinderCare?  How did you like it?

M and I are snots.  We visited one in home day care and as soon as we pulled up, we were immediately put off.  I hate being rude or judgmental but the yard was messy, the house was right next to the big power lines, we had to walk through the garage to get into the day care space and once inside, we were still highly unimpressed.  The space was old and in need of paint and repair.  All kids are in one space, toddlers and infants (which we did not like at all) and she basically said she has a preschool program but no real schedule.  Um, then how do you do preschool lessons?  There is no report at the end of the day of how the baby did and one of the first things she said to us when we walked in was that the kids didn't get a nap yesterday so this morning, she put them in front of the TV while they ate breakfast.  I know my baby won't be in these situations for a long time but I find that inappropriate.  The woman was very nice but it was not the place for our son.  We had another appointment with an in home and we decided to do a drive by the day before and we saw the house and neighborhood and said nope, cancelling that one.  This is our child we're talking about and we will not just leave him anywhere.

Another center visit/tour scheduled for tomorrow.

24 week stats:  Baby is still just over one pound, gaining four ounces from last week and is almost a foot long, like an ear of corn!

His brain is growing steadily and he is forming taste buds.  Mmm, amniotic fluid.  His lungs are continuing to develop and cells that produce surfactant so that his air sacs in his lungs will inflate once he's born. 

Mama information - apparently this week my uterus is now the size of a soccer ball.  Uh, yeah. 

How I'm feeling: Feeling bigger by the day.  But it was nice to go out earlier in the week and have the sales girl at the maternity store and the dog groomer both tell me that I look great and could hardly tell I was already that far along.  They could have been full of it but it made this fatty-feeler smile a little.

Pregnancy notes: Where oh where did my belly button go?  Oh where oh where can it be??

Mama and baby had a bonding moment the other night.  He was sticking his foot out to the side and I put my hand on it and pushed it back in a little.  He kicked me back!  So I left my hand there and he kept kicking my hand for several minutes.  I was all smiles.

Food cravings and notes: I needed something healthy like salad.  So I ate some.  And I found pasteurized feta cheese!!

Doctor's Visit: Regularly scheduled appointment.

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