February 24, 2012

21 Weeks

Work. Work. Work.  So much to do. I feel like they are trying to cram in everything they can before I go out on leave.  "Let's see how much we can give her to do before she goes" they are thinking.  I swear.  It's crazy busy.  I feel like work should begin winding down at this point but I just keep getting more and more.  I am getting overwhelmed with everything.  There is just too much going on with work, I am still trying to balance school, and with the impending birth, it's a lot to handle right now.  I do not want to put school on hold but I also don't know how I would juggle school and a newborn.   While I'm on my break from work, I might need to take a break from school too.  Ugh.  I just don't know.

I had to scold the little guy the other day when I was driving home from work.  The little bugger kept kicking me in my bladder and I had to pee!  Every time he kicked, it put so much pressure on my bladder that I had to just say "Stop kicking my bladder, little one!"  Eventually he listened.  Those commutes can be very long sometimes.

Baby at 21 weeks:

Baby is now three quarters of a pound and is 10.5 inches long - about the length of a carrot.

It states that the baby will now start kicking harder and I may start to notice a pattern in his activity and movement.  So far, I haven't.  He moves when he wants to.  There doesn't seem to be any time during the day where he tends to move more.  But he is definitely stronger.  He also now has eyebrows and eye lids! 

That's about it for this week.  It's so funny that during the beginning, there is so much fetal development and now it's just "eh, the baby getting's bigger."

Mommy at 21 weeks:

I just keep growing and growing!  Looking like there's a little more junk in the trunk too.  Eeks.

How I'm feeling:  A lot of sneezing and stuffiness lately.

Expanding belly is giving me panic attacks.  How can it possibly get bigger?  Where can it go?  Is there enough skin?  What is going to happen to all my organs in there?  Will I become top heavy and fall down?  There has got to be a point where it just can't stretch any more.  And I'm only half way there which means I am basically going to double in size.  I don't believe this is possible.

Notable activity changes:
  • I cannot walk as fast as I used to
  • I cannot bend over at the waist as far as I used to
  • I get out of breath much easier
  • I'm beginning to feel my belly resting on my legs when I'm sitting
  • I'm beginning to feel my boobs resting on my belly when I'm sitting

Pregnancy notes: M told me the other day I'm starting to waddle at little. Nice.

My belly now sticks out farther than my boobs.

I wrote an email to a friend the other day and stated that I had 19 weeks left to go.  I had a mild TIA after writing that.  19 weeks sounds so much sooner than 4 and a half months.

It's amazing the reaction you get from some people when they ask you the name you have picked out and you tell them.  Some say "Oh I love it!"  Some are like "Oh, that's nice..."  Here's a tip: Even if you don't like the name, lie through your teeth and say you do.  NOTE: There will be no public declaration or announcement of the name until after he is born so those of you who know, shush!  Please do not post anything anywhere.  Thanks!

Random - it's extremely odd to know there is something alive inside you.  Do you know what that makes me think of?  Remember the scene in the movie "Spaceballs" where the alien rips through that guy's stomach in the diner?  That's where my mind goes when I think about a living being growing in me.
Food cravings and notes:  I saw a co-worker eating a chocolate pudding cup and then I wanted a chocolate pudding cup.  I don't even like pudding.

Doctor's Visit: None.

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